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Reading webpage via wininet.dll

Started by Ksbunker, May 01, 2008, 04:26:41 AM

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I'm trying to get the following code working. When I read the data from the page, it reads "<!x>". The string should return either "0" or "1", ive been trying to fix this for ages but with no success, any hlp would be fantastic, cheers.

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none


includelib user32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib shell32.lib
includelib wininet.lib

CheckPerform_Ban PROTO :DWORD, :DWORD


szName db "POO123", 0



mov eax, 0
Invoke CheckPerform_Ban, eax, addr szName
Invoke ExitProcess, 0

CheckPerform_Ban PROC ban:DWORD, username:DWORD


szBanPhp db "!&username=%s", 0
szBanUrl db 255 dup(0)
szAgent1 db "RS2.06PATCH", 0
szRet db 2 dup(0)
dwSize dd 0


mov eax, ban
cmp al, 0
jne @next
mov [szBanPhp+50], byte ptr 30h      ;'0' = !
jmp @F
mov [szBanPhp+50], byte ptr 31h      ;'1' = !
Invoke wsprintf, addr szBanUrl, addr szBanPhp, username

Invoke InternetOpen, addr szAgent1, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL
Invoke InternetOpenUrl, eax, addr szBanUrl, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE, 0
mov ebx, eax
Invoke InternetReadFile, eax, addr szRet, sizeof szRet, addr dwSize    ;szRet = byte 30h "0" or 31 "1"
Invoke InternetCloseHandle, ebx

cmp [szRet], byte ptr 30h
jne @banned
mov eax, 0

mov eax, 1

CheckPerform_Ban ENDP

end start



don't know what ur problem is, the code is working for me ( returns 1 in eax for the specified username, 0 for a different one )

maybe some proxy / firewall issues ?
try checking the return values / handles to localize the error ...




you're right... it's working now thank god.

not sure why it wasn't before, perhaps errors on the php side of things.

Nonetheless, thanks for your testing out of the code kermit, big thanks!


Here is the perfect example of why I hate frame-based proc calling:

mov eax, 0
Invoke CheckPerform_Ban, eax, addr szName

... [jumps to routine]

mov eax, ban

all of which could have been simplified by using OPTION PROLOGUE:none / OPTION EPILOGUE:none and simply jumping to the routine with the value in EAX, which is all you've basically done but with lots more wasted ops, memory writes and stack frame setting up inbetween. Obviously that's insignificant compared to the API overhead and waiting for the TCP data to arrive, but it's the principle of reducing everything to the smallest code that counts - isn't that why we are here?

The reason I'm replying is not to diss your programming style, though, but to ask where you preserved the value of EBX prior to this line?

mov ebx, eax

The concept is good, using EBX as it stays unchanged through the two API calls, but you still need to insulate YOUR use from surrounding code.