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HLA v1.102 Beta #2 is now available

Started by Randall Hyde, May 01, 2008, 08:45:10 PM

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Randall Hyde

Hi All,

HLA v1.102 (my local version) has just passed the Windows acceptance tests.  No doubt, if history is any indication, when I go back and try out the Mac, Linux, and FreeBSD versions I'll stumble across some major show-stoppers and the cycle will start all over again. Nevertheless, I've posted HLA v1.102 Beta #2 to the following website:

This package includes the HLA stdlib v4.0 library and header files.

As I warned you on the last beta release, do not install this over the top of your existing (v1.101 or v1.99) HLA installation -- make a copy of that installation first. Although this version is working a heck of a lot better than the first beta release, it's still beta and I still don't have a whole lot of confidence in it.

Please try it out with your projects and see if you can get it to crash.

Randy Hyde
P.S., As Sevag pointed out, if you want to try your hand at compiling the HLA stdlib v4.0 source code on Source Forge, you will need to use this version of HLA; the new stdlib source code will not compile with older versions of the compiler.