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FpuLib example shows Erreur

Started by jj2007, April 25, 2008, 02:46:13 PM

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Just tested the FpuLib example, and it greets me with "Erreur: 703.34"
This is insofar surprising as the MessageBox has a NULL instead of a title. So I wonder from where that text crept in???

invoke MessageBox, 0, ADDR result, 0, MB_OK   ; shows "Erreur"

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none   ; case sensitive

; #########################################################################

include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\

includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\Fpu.lib

; #########################################################################


mortgage dt 0
monthly_rate dt 0
months dt 0
temp_real dt 0

loan_inp db "92500",0
rate_inp db "6.75",0
year_inp db "20",0

result db 32 dup(0)

done db "Done:", 0



;convert loan principal input to REAL10 and store it

invoke FpuAtoFL, ADDR loan_inp, ADDR mortgage, DEST_MEM

;convert yearly interest (%) rate input to REAL10 and store it as a monthly fractional rate

invoke FpuAtoFL,ADDR rate_inp, 0, DEST_FPU
invoke FpuDiv, 0, 1200, ADDR monthly_rate, SRC1_FPU or SRC2_DIMM

;convert term of loan (years) input to REAL10 and store it as months

invoke FpuAtoFL, ADDR year_inp, 0, DEST_FPU
invoke FpuMul, 0, 12, ADDR months, SRC1_FPU or SRC2_DIMM

;compute the (1+R) portion, keeping it on the FPU, and then the (1+R)^n term
;and storing it as a temporary REAL10 value

invoke FpuAdd, ADDR monthly_rate, 1, 0, SRC1_REAL or SRC2_DIMM or DEST_FPU
invoke FpuXexpY, 0, ADDR months, ADDR temp_real, SRC1_FPU or SRC2_REAL

;compute the denominator of the equation and leave it on the FPU

invoke FpuSub, ADDR temp_real, 1, 0, SRC1_REAL or SRC2_DIMM or DEST_FPU

;divide the (1+R)^n term by that denominator and leave on the FPU

invoke FpuDiv, ADDR temp_real, 0, 0, SRC1_REAL or SRC2_FPU or DEST_FPU

;multiply by the other terms and leave answer on the FPU

invoke FpuMul, 0, ADDR monthly_rate, 0, SRC1_FPU or SRC2_REAL or DEST_FPU
invoke FpuMul, 0, ADDR mortgage, 0, SRC1_FPU or SRC2_REAL or DEST_FPU

;convert result to alphanumeric with 2 decimals and display

invoke FpuFLtoA, 0, 2, ADDR result, SRC1_FPU or SRC2_DIMM
invoke MessageBox, 0, ADDR result, addr done, MB_OK ; shows "done"
invoke MessageBox, 0, ADDR result, 0, MB_OK ; shows "Erreur"

invoke ExitProcess, 0

; #########################################################################

end start


quote from winapi:
Points to a null-terminated string used for the dialog box title. If this parameter is NULL, the default title Error is used.
so because u set lpCaption to 0 u get the default error caption,




Thanks, Kermit. I saw a French "erreur" and thought that Raymond Filiatreault had done some magic manipulations forcing MessageBox to interpret a zero as "shout ERREUR at that guy" :bg