A better waiting loop than the macro in \masm32\macros\macros.asm

Started by ToutEnMasm, February 11, 2008, 02:33:10 PM

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The two following macros don't verify an INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE in the message loop.This is required by Microsoft.

    ; --------------------------------------------
    ; The following two macros must be used as a
    ; pair and can only be used once in a module.
    ; Additional code for processing within the
    ; message loop can be placed between them.
    ; The single parameter passed to both macros
    ; is the name of the MSG structure and must be
    ; the same in both macros.
    ; --------------------------------------------

      BeginMessageLoop MACRO mStruct
          invoke GetMessage,ADDR mStruct,NULL,0,0
          cmp eax, 0
          je MessageLoopExit

      EndMessageLoop MACRO mStruct
          invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR mStruct
          invoke DispatchMessage,  ADDR mStruct
          jmp MessageLoopStart

As a sample , I use a proc that can be used in many case.A minimal change to the macros can be a verify of the INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE

Boucle_Attente PROC
         local msg:MSG
          ; make a choice, GetMessage or PeekMessage work the same,just put the ; at the right place
   ;INVOKE     GetMessage, addr msg, NULL, 0, 0
   invoke  PeekMessage,addr msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE   
   .if msg.message != WM_QUIT         ;
      .if eax != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE            ;invalid handle don't go to crash
                   .if eax != 0  ;For  PeekMessage function
      ;If WM_KEYUP ...,change in WM_COMMAND ,delet the ; if you want it
                 ;invoke TranslateAccelerator,hWnd,Haccel, ADDR msg;
            INVOKE     TranslateMessage, addr msg           ;prend le message
            INVOKE     DispatchMessageA , addr msg          ;envoi les messages aux fenêtres
         jmp @B         
         mov eax,msg.wParam
Boucle_Attente endp