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Some types have been deprecated

Started by Randall Hyde, February 08, 2008, 06:49:48 PM

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Randall Hyde

I am in the process of deprecating various type names that the stdlib creates at the global level.
These types include the following:

dateClass, virtualDateClass
timeClass, virtualTimeClass
list, virtualList
table, tableNode, tablePtr

These types have all been replaced by the following type names:

dateClass_t, virtualDateClass_t
timeClass_t, virtualTimeClass_t
list_t, virtualList_t
table_t, tableNode_t, tablePtr_t

This won't affect much existing code (yet) because there are text equates that map the former names to the new names. However, all new code should employ the new names.  This change is being made in order to clean up some global namespace pollution problems I see arising with future additions to the HLA stdlib and to create a consistent naming scheme for HLA data stdlib data types.

Currently, I have not replaced any type names that are inside namespaces, but that may very well happen in the future too (just for consistency's sake).

Once again, these names have been deprecated, not removed. Existing code will still compile and run as it used to.
Randy Hyde