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HLA v1.99 is now available on Webster

Started by Randall Hyde, January 26, 2008, 12:26:02 AM

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Randall Hyde

HLA v1.99 is now available on webster at the usual location:

or directly from the new (frozen) HLA v1.99 web page:

HLA v1.99 is a "frozen" version that incorporates the last version that will support the HLA stdlib v1.x. All future releases of HLA, starting with HLA v1.100, will include the new HLA stdlib v3.0 (or later). HLA v1.99 is being "frozen" because lots of code and documentation out there uses the HLA stdlib v1.x and it will not compile and run under newer versions of the stdlib without modification.

There have been several corrections made to the HLA stdlib v1.x that is included with HLA v1.99, but these are the last changes that will be made to the older version of the library. New code should make use of the new library (and existing code should be changed to use the new library code as rapidly as possible).

There have been a few defect corrections to the HLA compiler itself, but largely the purpose of this release is to create the frozen version that people who have old code (or read documentation that uses the old stdlib, like Art of Assembly) can use.
Randy Hyde