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Order of bits in c++ record and masm record

Started by ToutEnMasm, January 08, 2008, 05:46:56 PM

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It seems that bits in record in c++ are in reverse order than masm
here is a sample.Is it the same rule for all the record ?   (8,16,32,64..)

typedef struct _LDT_ENTRY {
    WORD    LimitLow;
    WORD    BaseLow;
    union {
        struct {
            BYTE    BaseMid;
            BYTE    Flags1;     // Declare as bytes to avoid alignment
            BYTE    Flags2;     // Problems.
            BYTE    BaseHi;
        } Bytes;
        struct {
            DWORD   BaseMid : 8;
            DWORD   Type : 5;
            DWORD   Dpl : 2;
            DWORD   Pres : 1;
            DWORD   LimitHi : 4;
            DWORD   Sys : 1;
            DWORD   Reserved_0 : 1;
            DWORD   Default_Big : 1;
            DWORD   Granularity : 1;
            DWORD   BaseHi : 8;
        } Bits;
    } HighWord;

LDTBits RECORD  rBaseHi:8,\
      Default_Big : 1,\


yes, it's is fact that the bitrecord in masm is 100% reverse from that of C++.  Why they use two different ways is beyond me, but everything in the Win32 API has to get declared in reverse order, e.g. MASM is high to low, C is low to high.  Go figure.

For C, from
"The ordering of data declared as bit fields is from low to high bit, as shown in the figure above."

from the MASM programmers guide:
"The first field in the declaration always goes into the most significant bits of the record. Subsequent fields are placed to the right in the succeeding bits"

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