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DEP (Data Execution Protection) problem

Started by jj2007, October 10, 2007, 03:39:45 PM

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I am using Joergen Ibsen's tiny archiver for creating sfx archives. Out of curiosity, I switched on DEP on my Win XP SP2, and bang :tdown a GPF for apack.exe. Quite a harmless app, but somewhere it seems to confound .data and .code sections. In the meantime, I switched to 7-zip (faster and more compact output, although I still have some open questions...), but I wonder whether somebody else ran into the DEP trap?
More at "Hardware DEP has a backdoor",



I had to rebuild just about every EXE in MASM32 because of the change in specification with DEP. I would have a look at JIBZ's site to see if he has done a later version that works under DEP, its probably a compressed EXE file which will cause the problem if it has not been designed for a DEP enabled OS.
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Did you try something like (I have just this piece of code written in my scribble book, probably from OpenRCE forums, but I don't know for sure who is the author; when I find, I'll put the credits here): I've found ("I feel lucky!"  :bg), here is the authority where I got the info: ""

ExecutionFlags      dd 2

   lea eax, ExecutionFlags
   push 4                     ;sizeof(DWORD)
   push eax                  ;Address of value 2, which translates to MEM_EXECUTE_OPTION_ENABLE
   push 022h                  ;Magic :-) In fact, value from enum {} which is called "ProcessExecuteFlags"
   push -1                  ;The value that GetCurrentProcess returns on Windows
   invoke ntdll.dll!NtSetInformationProcess
   ;Here check the status

Another approach is to create the registry key under

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE[\Wow6432Node]\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options

which will be named after your file and add under it REG_DWORD value named "ExecuteOptions" with value 2.
Other values worth mentioning are REG_DWORD "GlobalFlag", REG_SZ (with possible values "0" or "1") named "DisableHeapLookAside", REG_SZ "Debugger" which lets you choose what is the debugger for particular file and for the end, obviously very usefull option "ApplicationGoo" which is REG_BINARY and yet undocumented  :green