generating a manifest with mt.exe for used of crt run time

Started by ToutEnMasm, October 07, 2007, 06:45:17 AM

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I have added the msvcrt.lib (vc express and not masm) in one of my application.
The used of the crt runtime couldn't be perform without a manifest.Without the manifest , the message is "improper used of msvcr80.dll "
I need to generate it with mt.exe and add it to my resource.
Is someone can help me doing that ?



Did you ever figure out how to do this? I have an example if you would like me to post it.

(Later) I see that you did figure it out here. Embedding the manifest does the trick. It's the same situation for MSVCR90.DLL.


Thanks for the (later   :P) answer.
If you have a sample that can be usefull for everyone,put it here.I have searched a little before finding the one that i needed.


Attached are examples that use msvcr80.dll and msvcr90.dll from a MASM program. Under Windows XP and Windows Vista, if a program uses these C Run-Time Library dlls, a manifest is required for the executable to run. The situation is explained very well here.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: ToutEnMasmI have searched a little before finding the one that i needed.

  :bg  Yes, I banged my head against this one for quite some time. I figured it out by looking at what Visual Studio was doing and a lot of trial and error. Microsoft sure hasn't documented this very well.

