Looking for some tutorials 32bit tutorails... I think...

Started by byte, August 19, 2007, 10:01:22 PM

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I am new to MASM32, and I am looking for some 32bit tutorials. I am using WinAsm as my IDE and it's working fine. I have lots of C++ background so I'm not a total fool.  :P

I have found Win32 tutorials, but I'm looking for something that covers the more basic DOS sort of work, as I think I'll have a better understanding of Win32 when I'm done with that.

In WinAsm, some barebones examples have code such as "Invoke StdOut,ADDR txt" etc, but all the tutorials I have found look nothing like this. I think this is because they are not 32bit am I correct?

I am looking for tutorials which teach these sorts of commands, unless you guys recommend different?

I am very new to this, be nice?  :dance:




Hi byte,

Welcome on board. If you have downloaded MASM32 to use with WinAsm, have a look at the examples it contains. From the forum web site you can download Test Departments examples and of course there are Iczelion's tutorials. Learning 16 bit DOS assembler is counter productive unless you want to write that type of code for a reason. All of the sources I have pointed you at are true 32 bit including console mode examples.

If it is console mode examples you want, try playing with the default editor in MASM32 as it is set up with templates to build console mode apps very easily and it has both its own library and decent macro support to make this a lot easier and faster.
Download site for MASM32      New MASM Forum
https://masm32.com          https://masm32.com/board/index.php


Hi byte,

Welcome to the forum. Have a look also at Randall Hyde's website providing a lot of documentation :
