Is it possible / how to draw a GIF Animated file in a window?

Started by Avalon, February 17, 2005, 11:40:16 AM

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many thanks for all repies.

Till now i don´t know thich way is the best:

the results until now:

My sample Gif was 25 KB

18 Frames in bmp each frame 10 KB (with colortable) sumary: 180 KB

in PNG and JPG near the same results. near 135 KB

At the moment I´m study a sample how to compres / decompres GIF files on the fly, but i do not realy unerstand the source (print and studi  :toothy)

We will see tomorow.


Mark Jones

"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Hi Mark,
hi at all,

it´s a good idea to compress the exe file, but

first of all i will make compact code

then compact exe  :green

The project will be realized in

Take GIF format ==> decompress on the fly ==> make different bitmaps in memory (each frames) ==> bitblt bitmaps (Animation)

After i dump the GIF (thanks to Paul :U) i have separate the graphic information and color and so on information overhead from the gif and save only the graphic data to a file.

Now i can include it  separately. (This part is ready no changes)

I was surpriced what kind of information is stored in a GIF file sometimes is like M$ there is a lot of rubbish inside so i can delete some bytes, grat help was the side

I´m thinking abaut include alpha cannel information make from 24 bit convert to 32 bit ( RGB ==> ARGB by 8 bit each channel)

We will see if it´s works.  :cheekygreen:

The size of code is at the moment 46 kb (without compression Mark :green)!

If somebody has some good ideas, let me know.
