Is it possible / how to draw a GIF Animated file in a window?

Started by Avalon, February 17, 2005, 11:40:16 AM

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HI, I´m a newbee,

I have read some tut´s but I´m searching for a possibility to "draw" a animated Gif to a window.

Til now i have explore some expirience with Bitmap format and JPG.

But til now i cound´n found any tut of Gif.

How can I realize?

Many thankx in advance.



I am sure that this is very possible but it is not anything that I am able to do very well.  I grew up in a nongraphical environment and am a late player in that arena.  Why don't you send an email to Donkey?  He is, I think, one of the acknowledged professionals in this area and is very approachable.  He has been having some network problems that he has gone a long way towards solving.  But he might miss this post.



Many thanks,

first of all, i´m sorry for my poor english, ::) i´m doing my best to explaine.

AniGiff viever is very well, :U


it needs / loading an AniGIF.dll .

I need only one PRG / exe file no dl other things.

as compact as possible.

how can be made reverse dll and take only the thinkg i need?

or intergrate dll in main.




FYI, our ObjAsm32 Package has a GIF object that will load and display GIF's for you...

Check out this link:



Who would ever need to reverse an open source library? ::)

Quote from: Avalon on February 17, 2005, 09:36:28 PM
how can be made reverse dll and take only the thinkg i need?


Hi at all,

reverse means to intergrate the code to main NO more.

that I wand to do is not to "load" some picture no i wand to display Animated Gif on windows.


PS I´m sorry but I could not found the code for the displayer.


The library uses the OLE apis to decode each frame in the GIF file (take a look at AniGif.asm, not GifViewer.asm). Perhaps what you want is the GIF file format instead?


Are you primarily interested in the animation or the file type.  If you do not mind working with bitmaps as long as you get the animation that you desire; I have attached something that has been developed by William Cravener that is way cool!  As an example it is very easy to grow from.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Mark Jones

"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Animate is a great example how to do  :U :U :U

Now my questions:

1. how can I transfer my Gif file to bitmap? (sceene by sceene or frame by frame the same)

1.1 How can i export "only" the bit´s and byte in writting format  e.g. (textformat)

Frame 1,

Byte 00,FF,80,90,00, ...

Frame 2

and so on

Colortab and so on

2. exist a function to change "only" the color map (RGB)?

3. The file will be going very "huge" is there a possibility to "compress" it with e.g. Hufmann and decompress direct to memory?

What I wanna do:

Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
frame 9

and so on

The frames has the same y and x size

they have the same color tab

to save memory (filesize) to put all frames to gether only onetime save the colortab and compress with huffmann


allocate memory for each frame
and writte directly to Memory ==> endcompressed dates and colortab

I remember this way on 68H000 prz. (Hardware scrolling with bitclipp the same procedure)

My question to change the "colortab" is in this way (the fastes way to chance background)
You can make in this way some nice effects. (scrolling colors)

Best regards,



I am pretty much an afficiando of Paint Shop Pro.  There is a shareware version available while you are testing and deciding if you want to buy it.  Take an animated GIF that is owned by you, open it up in the Animation Wizard (a separate program that comes with the package.  Select all the images and export tham to PSP.  Now you can do a batch conversion from GIF to bitmap.  The option is in the File menu.  For now, accept all the defaults and do the conversion.  Now you must save all the bitmaps.

Once that is done, you can use a tool, a part of masm32, IIRC, to dump each bitmap as a rcdata thing.


BTW: PSP has a much gentler learning curve than some other products.


As far as manipulating the color bits and what not once the dump has occurred?  This is outside of my field of expertise.  I think I have given you enough to get started.  When you finish the prelim stuff, you can post a question to one of the graphics gurus.



AFAIK GIF's are just RIFF files, it should be possible to decompress them programatically fairly easily. If you like you can email me a GIF that you want to use and I'll take a look at displaying it.
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