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scrolling text?

Started by HATEM, July 04, 2007, 09:28:33 PM

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how can i appear a scrolling text  on the screen :( i want a simple program please


Part 1: draw text on screen.
Part 2: Draw text on screen at previous offset - 1
Part 3: loop at part 2
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Or use Interrupt 10h functions 6 or 7 to scroll the text, and then update the top or bottom line.
eschew obfuscation


thank you for your help bat i'm a newbie in ASM  :red please explain to me step by step



Quote from: eek on July 06, 2007, 02:08:49 AM
it's not a home work eek i'm just want learning to programming game and if you have a good site where can i find games in assembly 16 bit give it to me
don't forget my first question thank you  :wink


1. Learn how to display text on the screen
2. Learn how to place text at any position on the screen
3. Put the two together :wink
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


hello tedd i do my homework  :bg
i did what do you want me to do  :wink
and now how can i scroll it  :toothy

declaration       segment
assume       cs:declaration
CALL  start

start         proc         
        mov        ah,06h         
        mov        al,00h
   mov        bh,07h   
   mov        ch,00h     
   mov        cl,00h       
   mov        dh,24       
   mov        dl,79       
   int        10h
   mov        bh,0         
   mov        dh,12       
   mov        dl,35       
   mov        ah,02h
   int        10h
   mov        dl,'A'
        mov        ah,02h
   int        21h
   mov        ah,4ch
   int        21h
start       endp
   declaration       ends
           end             start


If by scrolling you mean that the screen should simply scroll up after the CRLF on the last line, any BIOS function that updates the cursor position and processes CR (character code 13) and LF (character code 10), or any DOS function that calls one of these BIOS functions, will do this.

.model small
    string db "xxx",13,10,"$"
    ; Loop through 40 lines.
    mov cx, 40
    ; Display the string. The terminating CRLF will cause
    ; the function to move the cursor to the start of the
    ; next line, and when the cursor reaches the bottom
    ; of the screen, scroll the screen up by one line.
    mov dx, OFFSET string
    mov ah, 9
    int 21h
    ; Wait for a key press before continuing.
    xor ah, ah
    int 16h
    dec cx
    jnz @B

eschew obfuscation


thank you for your help
i think there are some mistakes in your code it doesn't work  :(


The code assembles, links, and runs correctly on my system. I have now added some comments that explain what the code is doing. What problem are you having?
eschew obfuscation


hello MichaelW
look there are two fault in line 6'.startup'
and in line 25 '.exit'

[attachment deleted by admin]


I had no idea you were using MASM 5.1. Here is a version that should work with 5.1:

.model small
    string db "xxx",13,10,"$"


    ; Set DS to our data segment.
    mov ax, @data
    mov ds, ax

    ; Loop through 40 lines.
    mov cx, 40

    ; Display the string. The terminating CRLF will cause
    ; the function to move the cursor to the start of the
    ; next line, and when the cursor reaches the bottom
    ; of the screen, scroll the screen up by one line.
    mov dx, OFFSET string
    mov ah, 9
    int 21h

    ; Wait for key press before continuing.
    xor ah, ah
    int 16h

    dec cx
    jnz @B

    mov ah,4ch
    int 21h

end start

eschew obfuscation


thank you MichaelW
sorry you worked hard with me I think that you don't understand what i want to do
look i want to do like this