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Summing up bytes into a word

Started by King Nak, April 29, 2007, 01:34:42 PM

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King Nak

Hi there!

I have a problem and am searching for the fastest solution:
I have a 256-bytes array in memory and want to sum up, let's say, the first 135 bytes in it.
But the result should not be stored in a byte (overflow...), I need the full count.
The only way I see is the following:

xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [count]
movzx ebx, BYTE PTR [esi]
add eax, ebx
inc esi
loop counter_loop

But I don't think it's the best solution. Sure, some loop unrolling can be done,
but isn't there a better approach? like using MMX or something...

Thanks in advance
King Nak


Well, here's some to play with-
dtst db 256 dup (0)
dd 0 ; guard bytes
tans dd 0
dans dd 256*255
setup proc
mov edi,offset dtst
mov ecx,256
mov edx,0
mov eax,0
add edx,eax
inc eax
dec ecx
.until ecx==0
mov dans,edx
setup EndP
Doit1:       ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Desc 'movzx, add'
call setup
mov esi,offset dtst
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 256
movzx ebx, BYTE PTR [esi]
add eax, ebx
inc esi
loop counter_loop
mov tans,eax
mov eax,tans
.if eax!=dans
msg "error"

Doit2:       ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Desc 'movzx, add, no LOOP'
call setup
mov esi,offset dtst
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 256
movzx ebx, BYTE PTR [esi]
add eax, ebx
inc esi
dec ecx
.until ecx==0
mov tans,eax
mov eax,tans
.if eax!=dans
msg "error"

Doit3:       ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Desc '2 byte add'
call setup
mov esi,offset dtst+255-3
xor eax, eax
mov edx,[esi]
and edx,0FF00FFh
add eax,edx
sub esi,4
.until esi<offset dtst

mov esi,offset dtst+255-2
mov edx,[esi]
and edx,0FF00FFh
add eax,edx
sub esi,4
.until esi<offset dtst
mov edx,eax
shr eax,16
and edx,0FFFFh
add eax,edx
mov tans,eax
mov eax,tans
.if eax!=dans
msg "error"

mmxmask db 255,00,255,00,255,0,255,0
qans dq 0
Doit4:       ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Desc 'mmx'
call setup
mov esi,offset dtst+256-8
pxor mm0,mm0
mov edi,offset mmxmask
movq mm2,[edi]
movq mm1,[esi]
pand mm1,mm2
paddw mm0,mm1
sub esi,8
.until esi<offset dtst

mov esi,offset dtst+256-7
movq mm1,[esi]
pand mm1,mm2
paddw mm0,mm1
sub esi,8
.until esi<offset dtst
movq qans,mm0
movq mm1,qans
movzx eax,word ptr qans
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+2]
add eax,edx
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+4]
add eax,edx
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+6]
add eax,edx
mov tans,eax

mov eax,tans
.if eax!=dans
msg "error"

Doit1 is your starting point.  et=1124 cycles on my computer
Doit2 is same but manually doing loop (LOOP opcode is slow on later computers)  et=646 cycles
Doit3 is adding two bytes at a time   et=492 cycles
Doit4 is using mmx  doing 4 bytes at a time.  et=247 cycles.

Perhaps a moderator will move this to the laboratory so you can get some real guru's to help. :wink

Edit: removed file, newer one below.


here's mineĀ  :eek

align 16
SumBytes proc stdcall _pByteArray:ptr byte,_dwCount:dword
option prologue:none
option epilogue:none
pByteArray equ <dword ptr [esp+1*4][4]>
dwCount     equ <dword ptr [esp+2*4][4]>
push ebx
mov ecx,dwCount
xor eax,eax
mov edx,ecx
shr ecx,3
mov ebx,pByteArray
jz @F
pxor mm2,mm2
pxor mm3,mm3
movq mm0,[ebx]
add ebx,8
movq mm1,mm0
punpcklbw mm0,mm2
punpckhbw mm1,mm2
paddw mm3,mm0
paddw mm3,mm1
sub ecx,1
.until zero?
movq mm0,mm3
punpcklwd mm0,mm2
punpckhwd mm3,mm2
paddd mm0,mm3
movd ecx,mm0
add eax,ecx
psrlq mm0,32
movd ecx,mm0
add eax,ecx
@@: and edx,7
jz @F
movzx ecx,byte ptr[ebx]
add eax,ecx
add ebx,1
sub edx,1
.until zero?
@@: pop ebx
ret 2*4
option prologue:prologuedef
option epilogue:epiloguedef
SumBytes endp

testcnt equ 135
xi =0
yi =0
align 16
myarray label byte
rept 256
db xi
if xi lt testcnt
yi = yi +xi
xi = xi +1
testmy dd yi
invoke SumBytes,addr myarray,testcnt
.if eax != testmy
; error

EDIT: slightly modified
The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


And a couple more:
Doit6:       ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Desc 'mmx 1loop'
call setup
mov esi,offset dtst+256-8
pxor mm0,mm0
mov edi,offset mmxmask
movq mm2,[edi]
movq mm1,[esi]
pand mm1,mm2
paddw mm0,mm1
movq mm3,[esi+1]
pand mm3,mm2
paddw mm0,mm3
sub esi,8
.until esi<offset dtst

movq qans,mm0
movq mm1,qans
movzx eax,word ptr qans
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+2]
add eax,edx
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+4]
add eax,edx
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+6]
add eax,edx
mov tans,eax

mov eax,tans
.if eax!=dans
msg "error"

Doit7:       ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Desc 'mmx 2 interleaved'
call setup
mov esi,offset dtst+256-16
pxor mm0,mm0
mov edi,offset mmxmask
movq mm2,[edi]
movq mm1,[esi]
movq mm3,[esi+1]
movq mm4,[esi+8]
movq mm5,[esi+9]
pand mm1,mm2
pand mm3,mm2
pand mm4,mm2
pand mm5,mm2
paddw mm0,mm1
paddw mm4,mm5
paddw mm0,mm3
paddw mm0,mm4
sub esi,16
.until esi<offset dtst

movq qans,mm0
movq mm1,qans
movzx eax,word ptr qans
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+2]
add eax,edx
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+4]
add eax,edx
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+6]
add eax,edx
mov tans,eax

mov eax,tans
.if eax!=dans
msg "error"

driz - 171 cycles
doit 6 - 172 cycles
doit 7 - 151 cycles

[attachment deleted by admin]


Only works if count is a multiple of 4, uses only ALU registers.

   mov edi, 0ff00ffh
   xor eax, eax
   mov ecx, [count]
   shr ecx, 2
   mov edx, dword ptr [esi]
   mov ebx, edx
   and edx, edi
   bswap ebx
   add eax, edx
   and ebx, edi
   add eax, ebx
   lea esi, [esi+4]
   dec ecx
   jnz @B

   mov edx, eax
   movzx eax, ax
   shr edx, 16
   add eax, edx


Quote from: dsouza123 on April 29, 2007, 10:16:20 PM
Only works if count is a multiple of 4, uses only ALU registers.

Yeah, I went back an reread the original request.  He wanted the first 135 bytes of 256 so all mine are no good for his purposes, but it was fun!

King Nak

Thank you all!

I studied now all the proposals, and did some test on my machine too.
Seems like I have a older machine, since the DoIt1 and DoIt2 perform almost the same,
despite the LOOP...

nethertheless, I've already though about a solution with interleaving, but I didn't neither
think about interleaving by myself, nor that you could insert 0-Bytes/Words with punpcklbw et al.

I think I will use drizz's solution, since it is the only one that really solves my problem, and
also performs best on my computer...

Thank you very much

King Nak


Quote from: Jimg on April 30, 2007, 01:55:20 AM
Quote from: dsouza123 on April 29, 2007, 10:16:20 PM
Only works if count is a multiple of 4, uses only ALU registers.

Yeah, I went back an reread the original request. He wanted the first 135 bytes of 256 so all mine are no good for his purposes, but it was fun!

Could always go to 136 and subtract the last number. If the algorithm which requires a multiple of 4 is faster than the rest by at least the time it takes to do a single subtraction, you win :bg


Zooba :U

King Nak

yeah, would be possible. but the MMX version that already returns the correct
sum takes 272 cycles, and the ALU version, which had to be adopted, takes
492 cycles in the current version... both for summing up all 256 elements

King Nak


What kind of timing do you get with this one?  Should work with variable Count sizes-
Doit2:       ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Desc 'mmx 1 Loop, interleaved fixed'
call setup
;mov esi,offset dtst+256-16
mov esi,offset dtst
mov ecx,Count
xor eax,eax
shr ecx,4
.if ecx!=0
pxor mm0,mm0
mov edi,offset mmxmask
movq mm2,[edi]
movq mm1,[esi]
movq mm3,[esi+1]
pand mm1,mm2
movq mm4,[esi+8]
paddw mm0,mm1
pand mm3,mm2
movq mm5,[esi+9]
pand mm4,mm2
pand mm5,mm2
paddw mm4,mm5
paddw mm0,mm3
paddw mm0,mm4
add esi,16
sub ecx,1
.until zero?
movq qans,mm0
movzx eax,word ptr qans
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+2]
add eax,edx
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+4]
add eax,edx
movzx edx,word ptr [qans+6]
add eax,edx
mov ecx,Count
and ecx,0Fh ; remainder to do, up to 15 bytes.
.if !Zero?
movzx edx,byte ptr[esi]
add eax,edx
inc esi
sub ecx,1
.until zero?

mov tans,eax

mov eax,tans
.if eax!=dans
msg "error"
mov eax,TestNum
add eax,6000
inv SetDlgItemInt,hWin,eax,tans,0

edit: a few small changes.  File updated a couple posts down-


and here is something fast, totally unrolled.


align 16
SumBytesUnrolled proc stdcall _pByteArray:ptr byte,_dwCount:dword
option prologue:none
option epilogue:none
pByteArray equ <dword ptr [esp+1*4]>
dwCount    equ <dword ptr [esp+2*4]>
pxor mm0,mm0
pxor mm1,mm1
movd mm4,edi
movd mm5,esi
mov edx,dwCount
mov esi,pByteArray
mov ecx,edx
shr ecx,3
and edx,7
lea edi,[esi+ecx*8]
add ecx,-32
add edx,-8
; 256 is to force DWORD displacement
lea esi,[esi-256+ecx*8]
lea edi,[edi+edx-1]
neg ecx
neg edx
imul ecx,sdword ptr block_size8
imul edx,sdword ptr block_size1
add ecx,offset block_start8
add edx,offset block_start1
jmp ecx
align 4
xi = 0
movq mm2,[esi+256+xi*8]
movq mm3,mm2
punpcklbw mm2,mm1
punpckhbw mm3,mm1
paddw mm0,mm2
paddw mm0,mm3
block_size8 = ($-block_start8)
rept 32-1
xi = xi + 1
movq mm2,[esi+256+xi*8]
movq mm3,mm2
punpcklbw mm2,mm1
punpckhbw mm3,mm1
paddw mm0,mm2
paddw mm0,mm3
movq mm2,mm0
punpcklwd mm0,mm1
punpckhwd mm2,mm1
paddd mm0,mm2
movq mm2,mm0
punpckldq mm2,mm1
punpckhdq mm0,mm1
paddd mm0,mm2
movd eax,mm0
jmp edx
xi = 1
align 4
movzx ecx,byte ptr [edi+xi]
add eax,ecx
block_size1 = ($-block_start1)
rept 8-1
xi = xi + 1
movzx ecx,byte ptr [edi+xi]
add eax,ecx
movd edi,mm4
movd esi,mm5
ret 2*4
option prologue:prologuedef
option epilogue:epiloguedef
SumBytesUnrolled endp
The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


Strangely it didn't seem to make much difference on my crummy old athlon.  Maybe an alignment issue?

Well, this is certainly disappointing.  I dusted off my old celeron laptop and tried it.  My attempt is MUCH slower on the celeron.

Athon results:

Driz1: 120 cycles
Mine:  89 cycles
Driz2: 115 cycles

Celeron results:

Driz1: 104 cycles
Mine: 240 cycles
Driz2: 104 cycles

Such an incredible difference????  I guess I'm done here :(

[attachment deleted by admin]


this is what i get on my P3
The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.