Newbie problem: couldn't get exe file

Started by bom, April 17, 2007, 03:13:50 PM

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The Code was
                                .MODEL SMALL
      .STACK 64
DATA1      DB   52H
DATA2      DB   29H
SUM      DB   ?
MAIN   PROC   FAR      ;this is the program entry point
      MOV   AX,@DATA   ;load the data segment address
      MOV   DS,AX      ;assign value to DS
      MOV   AL,DATA1   ;get the first operand
      MOV   BL,DATA2   ;get the second operand
      ADD   AL,BL      ;add the operands
      MOV   SUM,AL   ;store the result in location SUM
      MOV   AH,4CH   ;set up to
      INT   21H      ;return to DOS
MAIN   ENDP         
      END   MAIN      ;this is the program exit point

I install masm32 Version 9 and link16 from the site.(OS:windows XP)
I execute the following procdures /c fig2-1.asm ->  Assembling: fig2-1.asm
2.lnk16 fig2-1.obj -> but I couldn't get fig2-1.exe

Could anyone help please?
Thank you.


The code assembles and links Ok for me. What is lnk16.exe, and are you seeing a error message?
eschew obfuscation



I means
link16 fig2-1.obj

There is no error message,  but I don't see a fig2-1.exe at current directory.


If link16 is not creating the EXE, then it should be returning an error message. Are you seeing an error message? Is the OBJ file being created?
eschew obfuscation