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question in X86

Started by jolly, January 10, 2007, 09:20:38 AM

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hi everybody,

I new in assembly language...I try to learn X86 language.yesterday i find a question and i try to solve it but i cant do that...can you help me to solve that question??? it is really easy question...i will explain it briefly

question says write assembly program that inputs a word and finds that whether it is palindrom or not..if it is palindrom it writes Y(yes) if not it writes N(no) is all.... example: if the word is moom then it writes Y
thanks for all your help


Hi Jolly

I would suggest that you start by making the HelloWorld1 example in the GoAsm help file.  This writes "Hello World" to the console (command prompt).  Once you have that working you will be ready with the next stage of the project.
Author of the "Go" tools (GoAsm, GoLink, GoRC, GoBug)