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problem with opening files...

Started by sygsyz, December 19, 2006, 09:07:07 AM

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I've installed MASM32 for win2000 and later OS package...Created the libraries...then when I try to open a file in qeditor(*.exe for example), the qeditor goes to "not responding" status...:( it happens with th other editors also...  :'( I'm with WinXP SP2.

ps. Sorry I'm new to the forums and I don't know if this is the place for posting this^^^


No problems, i moved the post to the workshop where more people will see it.

I am not sure what is happening but check that you don't have hardware DEP enabled as masm32 version 9.0 has many binaries that will not run under it. The next version will not have any problems with it.

Apart from that make sure your windows is not damaged by viral or trojan code as this can produce very unusual results.
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Do you mean hardware dependancy? I'm new to this stuff and i don't know what DEP means...about the viruses I've scanned my pc twice with two different antivir programs and they didn't found viruses...


Ok, that solves one problem but i am yet to understand why QE will not run when it runs on many thousands of XP sp2 boxes. I use win2000 so i don't have it handy as reference but apparently in your control panel there is a security setting for hardware data execution prevention which is to exclude a particular type of trojan. See if you can find it and make sure its turned off.

QE uses the old richedit component which is wrappered in riched20.dll so it should start unless there is something else wrong.
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I turned it off...still nothing happens... :(


If DEP triggers then you get a warning/exception box, it's not done silently - so that's not it.

QEditor is a text editor, not a binary editor, so trying to open a (large?) exe will possibly cause problems. Try opening a plain old text/asm file :wink
(There is an "open hex as binary" option, which will hexdump a file. But check it works 'normally' first.)
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Thanx guys...I tried the binary editor it works perfectly :U, but still I cant find the string I need. Actually here's the whole problem(hope someone will help cuz I'm a noob ::) ): OK. So I've read this thread, about enabling cheats in hitman blood money v1.2.(beacause with 1.2 patch they were disabled). I've read the thread and I understood how they got disabled, but the guy didn't give us a clue how to enable them exept to get a copy of masm32...
Here is what he's saying:

Cheats are disabled in the 1.2 patch as I'm sure many of you already know. My guess is they've been disabled not because Eidos dont want you to use them, but because they make the game unstable. I.E. corrupting your saves, crashing your game, e.t.c. I suggest only use the following method to re-enable cheats if you're looking for extra-replay value. Don't use cheats to finish the game.

I'll explain how they got disabled in 1.2 and the work around, for those interested.

In version 1.0 and 1.1 the game code looks like this:

//Check for 'EnableCheats' presence within the config
if ( FALSE != cConfig.GetField( "EnableCheats" ) )
g_bEnableCheats = TRUE; // Enable cheats

in version 1.2 it's:

if ( FALSE != cConfig.GetField( "EnableCheats" ) )
g_bEnableCheats = FALSE; // Disable cheats?

From what I gather whoever disabled cheats wanted to give enthusiasts the opportunity to re-enable it, because the cheat code itself wasn't removed. Completely removing it would have made it a lot more difficult to use cheats again.

Further evidence of the above theory.. The KeyDown handler for cheats wasn't removed with the patch (the code which brings up the cheat menu), so it's possible to bring still bring it up if the g_bEnableCheats variable is toggled to 'TRUE'. The following code will do that for you (source code included).

If you want to compile the source-code you'll need a copy of masm32, It'll generate the exact same binary so you know this isn't a hoax.

I've tried his cheat enabling program...but it don't work for me. I've tried to contact him via email how to enable them, but still no luck. So that's the whole dilema :). I'll be grateful if you guys help.

Best Regards: sygsyz


I think you've got the wrong idea :P
The code listed is to explain how/why cheats were easily disabled, it's not the code you need to mess with to 'fix' it. It's C++ style code, not asm.
Download the zip from the link at the bottom of that thread - it contains the patch exe, and its source (which is what you need masm for if you wish to rebuild it.)

P.S. This isn't a hacking forum :bdg
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.

sygsyz things are getting clear! I told you I'm noob  :P. So I'll have to become reconciled with the fact that I can't use cheats in HBM v1.2 :'(...doesn't matter...the mistery is solved  :dance:.
Sorry for the stupid topic :red.


Or run the exe contained in the zip file - as you're supposed to?
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


The .exe I'm supposed to run doesn't work for me...


If the exe that performs the patch does not work for you, email the proper people so you can get better help. The truth of the matter is that the exe is 'probably' working fine but it is a patcher so chances are it will run silently, do the patch and quit just as silently. The exe that is being patched will (maybe) have today's date so you can use that as a barometer to see if the patch occurred. There is another, better, method but unless you are sure you still have an unpatched version, it is probably too late.

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