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Accessing data in structures

Started by adam23, December 06, 2006, 01:37:33 PM

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I've been using the basics of MASM for some time now, so I have started to try and optimize some of my C++ routines.

My question is, say for example you are using a D3DXVECTOR3 from the DirectX library.  The structure contains three floats x,y,z, and is stored on the stack.  How can I access those floating point values in asm code.  I realize that I will have to use the FPU, but it doesn't necessarily have to be floating points.

Say I have an INT_POINT with an int x, and int y value that can be accessed.

temp.x = 5;
temp.y = 7;

Now say I have a structure or object passed by reference can I access them the same way?

void fill(INT_POINT &temp)
temp.x = 5;
temp.y = 7;

I'd like to take and convert similar functions to assembly but the only way I have been successful is to do this.

void fill(INT_POINT &temp)
int tempX;
int tempY;
mov eax, 5
mov tempX, eax
mov eax, 7
mov tempY, eax
temp.x = tempX;
temp.y = tempY;
As you can see this is no way optimized, because I am copying the value to a temp location before using C++ again to store it where is should be put to begin with.

I'd really appreciate any help I can get on this, and if I'm not being clear enough just let me know.

Thanks in advance


The guy who knows all about this stuff is Raymond Filiatreault. You can visit his site here.

There are nice tutorials, etc.


The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


you might also just view this sample, works with VC:

typedef struct {
    int x;
    int y;

int fill(POINT& temp)
    _asm {
        mov edx,temp
        mov (POINT [edx]).x,5
        mov (POINT [edx]).y,6
    return 0;

int main()
  POINT p1;
  fill (p1);
  return 0;


That looks pretty easy, but I ran into a little problem trying to do it.  It does get me going in the right direction though.

Say that I want to do this inside of a class,
I have a class Vector3 defined with a simple Test function to try and fill with values.

void Vector3::Test()
      mov edx, this
      mov (Vector3 [edx]).x, 5
      mov (Vector3 [edx]).y, 7

I get these errors
error C2420: 'Vector3' : illegal symbol in first operand

Thanks again for the help


Man do I feel stupid

It was really simple

void Vector3::Test()
      mov edx, this
      mov ([edx]).x, 5
      mov ([edx]).y, 7