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Yet another bin2db utility

Started by Alexander77, September 22, 2006, 03:29:56 PM

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Hi there!
I've just created a small utility called Any2DB. It accepts 3 parameters from the command line: input file name, output file name and variable. Note: file names with spaces must be put in quotes. The third parameter, variable, appears at the very beginning of the output file and is delimited from the first db directive by a space. All the bytes declared as hexadecimals, 16 bytes per line.
Any2DB can be downloaded from here. The latest version is below


Hi Alex,

Welcome on board. I downloaded the utility and apart from changing the paths to masm32 from your default, it builds and works fine. I found that you must put the arguments in quotes even if they have no spaces but the utility works well and is fast.  :thumbu
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Thank you, Hutch, your praise gladden me a lot  :snooty:. Most of my programs are targeted for Windows 5.xx, and as far as I remember, earlier versions of the OSes from Microsoft work with command line the way the DOS did (no doubt you remember that command line tail in PSP at CS:0080h). Since NT5, Windows extends a name of the executable being loaded to the fully qualified path (even it resides in the current and/or system path), puts the path in quotes and then appends the rest of the command line. This might be the reason you have to quote at least the first argument if you running Windows version 4.xx.


VERY nice. There have been many versions of this type of program, I have one in GeneSys.  What I like about 'this' version is that it is not a console app and it outputs to a file.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Fixed the bug with quotes! When running from a batch file, system does not expand the path of the executable neither it quotes its name. Download Any2DB v1.2 from here.
And this version (1.3) outputs hex as 0xxh regardless of the value.


Here is the final version (1.4f), it is able to output hex in both asm-like (0##h) and C-like (0x##) styles.


Looks like a lot of work went into this one, very nice. Also, you can attach files to the forum if they're .zip :)


I gave up trying to download 1.4f.  Too much crap on the site to figure out.  You really need to attach the files here or get a real account.  I bet a lot of other people gave up also.  There are only 3 downloads so far.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


I just tested this version and it works fine and is fast. Here it is as a zipped attachment. The rapidshare download is a pain.

[attachment deleted by admin]
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Version 1.5 is attached to this message. Some minor improvements are done: the program now checks if the source file is empty, all memory allocations are now accurate within 1 byte, etc. Thank you guys for appreciating my effort!  :thumbu
This is the latest version

[attachment deleted by admin]


lol, 5 minutes after my download, new version, great job :)