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FHLA1.86 install problem

Started by Hunt, August 24, 2006, 05:35:00 PM

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Hi All,

I am new to HLA also assembly. Got 1 silly question, would be very appreciate that anyone can help.

I installed FHLA1.86 midnight this early morning; but later after work of today found my NB can not hook up thru my desktop PC then to adsl modem to Internet again.  The phenomenon is I can not use the instructions like "ping", "netstat" & "ipconfig /all" via dos command console, the sys message is simply says "the command is not an internal or external instruction ..." (this is a translation from the "Traditional Chinese" msg as I am using WinXP home Taiwanese [Traditional Chinese] edition with my PC).

I know this is very strange and can not assure the problem is 100% comes from FHLA, but after I finished FHLA last night till I got back from work to start my home LAN, during this period my PC was kept power down. Also, I have uninstalled FHLA and tried to use the sys recovery function to set the windows back to someday prior today but it just failed me more than 5 times says it can not be recovered.


For ref, my s/w, PC - WinXP Home Taiwanese version, NAV2005 (report nothing abnormal)
my NB, WinXP professional.
my lan has only 2 node, pc & nb.
LAN cable ok, as I have shift the ADSL modem to the back of my 5-port switch Hub to test, the internet link for both computers are ok.

** Besides the err responses of most of the console "command", my PC seems work fine as usual.

Thanks in advance for anyone's confirmation about the "SAFE" installation of FHLA.

Hunt Chang  :dazzled:


Have you changed the system paths lately?  Use the "SET" command and see if the PATH environment includes the folder where the missing commands are located.


Thanks for your kind advice. After I manually took off the path pointed to FHLA in the environmental parameter of "PATH", as I have uninstalled the FHLA before this action, those DOS commands are all got back automatically.

I guess there is something wrong in the setting-up process of "fhlasetup.exe" also on certain parameters.  I hope Mr. Hyde would have the chance to read this post and double check the program.

Btw, I still can not use the sys recovery function after the "PATH" change; reason - unknown.

Thanks again, your tips save me from re-build my whole sys, it is really hurt to do that.
Hunt Chang  :U


It is a definite problem if former paths are becoming masked on installing fhla.  This might be an issue with winXP or the Taiwam edition in particular.  I have installed fhla on a Win98 in the past without losing path variables.  Though not recently since I don't like to use "installers" and avoid them whenever possible.

I hope the issue is worked out, in the mean time it's probably a good idea to set up the HLA paths manually without using the installer.