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Optimizing a hash function

Started by viodentia, August 10, 2006, 04:50:09 AM

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This particular function takes up 85% of execution time, and I can't change the hash function -- I _think_ there's a way to implement this with MMX or SSEx but wanted to get opinions before taking the risk of breakage with unpredictable data.

void hash(ULONG * in, ULONG * out, ULONG * table)
   unsigned int vv = out[0] ;
   vv += in[0];
   vv *= table[0];
   vv = (vv >> 16) | (vv << 16);
   vv *= table[1];
   vv = (vv >> 16) | (vv << 16);
   vv *= table[2];
   vv = (vv >> 16) | (vv << 16);
   vv *= table[3];
   vv = (vv >> 16) | (vv << 16);
   vv *= table[4];
   vv += table[10];
   out[1] += vv;

   vv += in[1];
   vv *=  table[5];
   vv =  (vv >> 16) | (vv << 16);
   vv *= table[6];
   vv =  (vv >> 16) | (vv << 16);
   vv *= table[7];
   vv =  (vv >> 16) | (vv << 16);
   vv *= table[8];
   vv =  (vv >> 16) | (vv << 16);
   vv *= table[9];
   vv += table[11];
   out[1] += vv;
   out[0] = vv;

void hash_buffer(ULONG * buf, unsigned int count,
            ULONG * out, ULONG * table)
    int i;
    ULONG * p = &buf[0];
    out[0] = 0;
    out[1] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < count/8; i++)
        hash(p,out, table);
(* edit - added context and fixed a silly error I'd made in trying to tweak the code)

The compiler generates .
       imul  r, mem
       rol  r, 16d
       imul  r, mem
       rol r, 16d

which seems to be the best that can be done in integer registers.

From a naive reading of some optimization guides, it appears that I could do
         pmaddwd            (8 clocks)
         punpck??/pshufw           (2 clocks)
         padd                  (2 clocks)
         pand                  (2 clocks)
in less time than
         imul   r, mem          (16 clocks)
         rol     r, 16             (  4 clocks)

with the bonus that with MMX, all the operands would be in registers.  I dont know if I can assume 90% of all processors have PSHUFW at this point?

It appears that  given 2 32-bit integers A & B, broken into 16-bits, Ahi and Alo, Bhi and Blo
        pmaddwd  <Ahi><Alo><0><Ahi>, <Blo><Bhi><0><Blo>
followed by a rearrangement and an add has the same numeric result.

Does this seem reasonable? 

James Ladd

I think the question of how many processor support MMX has to be asked.
Otherwise your solution will work great on only a few machines.
How do you intend to check for MMX support and fall back to a non-mmx routine ?


Could you show/attach the actual unoptimized assembly code produced by the compiler ?

MMX in Intel CPUs since Pentium 2 (before in some Pentium).
MMX in AMD CPUs since the Athlon (before in most K6).

pshufw is a SSE instruction that uses MMX registers,
so it needs a SSE supporting CPU not just MMX.

You could have multiple versions depending on instruction sets supported.

Not having to call a subroutine would remove function call overhead,
ie the moving to/from the stack.

How is unsigned int vv = table[10]; done ?
Do negative values get truncated to zero or is the sign ignored
and the value just copied to the unsigned int ?

If ints and unsigned ints are 32 bit what about the high 32 bits
from the result of the muliplication ?

Is there a problem with imul ?
If the unsigned parameter is big enough
it would be considered negative even though it is postive.

Are the results of signed and unsigned multiplies the same ?


I can attach the code from the compiler tonight - the compiler's optimization inlines this routine with the buffer indexing code, so it's awkward to follow.

All values are treated as unsigned (despite the imul) 32-bits
the crux of the hashing mechanism is the 32x32 => 64, then discarding the upper 32
the low 32 bits are  word-exchanged (probably for better convolution)

Without pshufw, is it still possible to do this quickly in MMX registers using punpck? 


The following is ALU code, will look into the extended instruction ( MMX, SSE, SSE2) version.
SSE2 in particular is promising, each 128 bit register can hold 4 dwords so 4 of the 8 would
hold all 16 dwords without extra memory access.

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

  inn dd  3,  5
  owt dd  0,  0
  tab dd 11, 13, 17, 19
      dd 23, 29, 31, 37
      dd 41, 43, 47, 51

  mov esi, offset tab
  mov edi, 4
  mov eax, tab + 40
  mov ecx, 16

  add eax, inn
  mul dword ptr [esi]    ; tab
  add esi, edi

  mov ebx, 4  ; had been unrolled 4 times
  rol eax, cl  ; 16
  mul dword ptr [esi]    ; tab + 4
  add esi, edi
  dec ebx
  jnz again0

  mov edx, tab + 44
  mov owt + 4, eax
  add owt + 4, edx

  add eax, inn + 4
  mul dword ptr [esi]    ; tab + 20
  add esi, edi

  mov ebx, 4
  rol eax, cl  ; 16
  mul dword ptr [esi]    ; tab + 24
  add esi, edi
  dec ebx
  jnz again1

  mov owt, eax
  add owt + 4, eax

  invoke ExitProcess,0
end start


Using visual studio, the output for the hashbuffer function is:
Line 45
   push   ebx
; Line 51
   mov   ebx, DWORD PTR _count$[esp]
   shr   ebx, 3
   push   esi
   mov   esi, DWORD PTR _out$[esp+4]
   push   edi
   mov   edi, DWORD PTR _buf$[esp+8]
   mov   DWORD PTR [esi], 0
   mov   DWORD PTR [esi+4], 0
   je   SHORT $LN1@routine1
   mov   edx, DWORD PTR _table$[esp+8]
; Line 53
   mov   eax, DWORD PTR [edi]
   add   eax, DWORD PTR [esi]
; Line 54
   add   edi, 8
   imul   eax, DWORD PTR [edx]
   rol   eax, 16               ; 00000010H
   imul   eax, DWORD PTR [edx+4]
   rol   eax, 16               ; 00000010H
   imul   eax, DWORD PTR [edx+8]
   rol   eax, 16               ; 00000010H
   imul   eax, DWORD PTR [edx+12]
   rol   eax, 16               ; 00000010H
   imul   eax, DWORD PTR [edx+16]
   add   eax, DWORD PTR [edx+40]
   add   DWORD PTR [esi+4], eax
   mov   ecx, DWORD PTR [edi-4]
   add   ecx, eax
   imul   ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+20]
   rol   ecx, 16               ; 00000010H
   imul   ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+24]
   rol   ecx, 16               ; 00000010H
   imul   ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+28]
   rol   ecx, 16               ; 00000010H
   imul   ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+32]
   rol   ecx, 16               ; 00000010H
   imul   ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+36]
   add   ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+44]
   add   DWORD PTR [esi+4], ecx
   sub   ebx, 1
   mov   DWORD PTR [esi], ecx
   jne   SHORT $LL3@routine1
   pop   edi
   pop   esi
   pop   ebx
; Line 56
   ret   0

I attached a simple testbed, I'm sure there's better ways of doing profiling, this was as simple as I could come up with

[attachment deleted by admin]


A CPU routine that simulates mul but only calculates the lower dword (eax)
instead of the normal (edx:eax) uses four registers instead of two.

The result isn't effected by which register ebx or edx gets b or a.

The value of a or b that has the first low bit set (1) at the highest spot
should go to edx or if either is 0 then it should go to edx then
the early out will get triggered quicker.

   mov ebx, b
   mov eax, 0     ; zero eax,  will hold 32 bit result
   mov edx, a
   mov ecx, 32    ; ecx range 0 to 31, do for all 32 bits
   shr ebx, 1     ; bit 0 -> cf   if cf == 1  add
   jnc skip       ;                  cf == 0  skip
   add eax, edx
   shl edx, 1
   jz  done       ; if edx == 0   early out   done    Can be removed.
   dec ecx
   jne more

Working on a MMX version, it works but is very large
and requires extensive setup and post processing.


Dsouza - 
I'm pretty sure that pmaddwd + pshufw would work, I just couldn't quite wrap my head around using punpck / pck to do it in MMX that'd work everywhere? 

Since IMUL r, mem is going to only calculate the low 32-bits anyway, I can't understand why this'd help?


Code using SSE2 (untested), the swap parameters are in base4 (clearer)

It is possible to keep it all within SSE2 registers until the end when storing to owt,
removing memory (cache) access (latency), just needs a little tweaking.

Even inn and owt could be held in xmm3,
then just load inn, owt, tab at the start
do all the calculations
then store owt at the end.

  inn dd 123, 456
  owt dd 789, 0
  tab dd 12 dup (123456)

  mov eax, owt
  add eax, inn
; mov edx, tab+10*4

  movdqa   xmm0, tab
  movdqa   xmm1, tab+16
  movdqa   xmm2, tab+32
  pxor     xmm4, xmm4

  movd     xmm4, eax   ; ? zero 321e ? matter

  pmuludq  xmm4, xmm0        ; v*t0
  pshuflw  xmm4, xmm4, 3201  ; swap low words low quad
  pshufd   xmm0, xmm0, 3201

  pmuludq  xmm4, xmm0        ; v*t1
  pshuflw  xmm4, xmm4, 3201  ; swap low words low quad
  pshufd   xmm0, xmm0, 3102

  pmuludq  xmm4, xmm0        ; v*t2
  pshuflw  xmm4, xmm4, 3201  ; swap low words low quad
  pshufd   xmm0, xmm0, 2103

  pmuludq  xmm4, xmm0        ; v*t3
  pshuflw  xmm4, xmm4, 3201  ; swap low words low quad
  pmuludq  xmm4, xmm1        ; v*t4
  pshufd   xmm1, xmm1, 3201

;  movd     xmm6, edx         ; t10  could be gotten from xmm2, x2xx
  movdqa   xmm6, xmm2, 3012   ; t10  and so it is ;)
  paddd    xmm4, xmm6        ; v+t10
  movd     edx, xmm6         ; v
  add      owt+4, edx        ; o1+v

  mov eax, inn+4
  movd     xmm6, eax         ; i1
  paddd    xmm4, xmm6        ; v+i1

  pmuludq  xmm4, xmm1        ; v*t5
  pshuflw  xmm4, xmm4, 3201  ; swap low words low quad
  pshufd   xmm1, xmm1, 3102

  pmuludq  xmm4, xmm1        ; v*t6
  pshuflw  xmm4, xmm4, 3201  ; swap low words low quad
  pshufd   xmm1, xmm1, 2103

  pmuludq  xmm4, xmm1        ; v*t7
  pshuflw  xmm4, xmm4, 3201  ; swap low words low quad

  pmuludq  xmm4, xmm2        ; v*t8
  pshuflw  xmm4, xmm4, 3201  ; swap low words low quad
  pshufd   xmm2, xmm2, 3201

  pmuludq  xmm4, xmm2        ; v*t9
  pshufd   xmm2, xmm2, 1203
  paddd    xmm4, xmm2

  movd     eax, xmm4
  add      owt+4, eax
  mov      owt, eax

The CPU code from my previous post was an alternative to imul not mul,
it only calculated the low dword of a 32 x 32 multiply, it wasn't tested
for speed versus imul but it probably is slower.

James Ladd