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Circuit emulation

Started by anorak, August 09, 2006, 06:28:38 AM

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it is real to make an Circuit emulation in any language?

for example i have an scheme - it is posiible to write a program that will get the input information and thgen send the out put?

thanks for any reply



Of course it is possible to simulate circuits. Actually I am positive that every kind of simulation is possible with a program.

What is your idea exactly? How would you like to have a circuit simulated?
Furthermore I think you could find several programs with such functionality on the Internet.

Greets, Gábor


yeah man - i know that there are programs for circuit emulation (elecreonic workbench for example)

im creating an audio plugin that would emulate an real hardware

i mean i have the input data and it must be changed by a curcuit
in real life it makes a real circut
but now it must be changed in cpu...

maybe there are some open source engines for that kinda stuff?
starting from 0 would be really hard



Well, I was working on a project like this, but now it is suspended (I have some other stuff in mind...).

I started a topic about it on the forum:
And I also put some info here:
I had a earlier versin of this project written under DOS with DOS4DW. The new version for Win32 is still in the making, but it has already a framework to be able to create the sound (or signal) generating and processing modules to build networks of them.
I hope to have time to continue this project in september... :)
If you have questions, please feel free to ask!

Greets, Gábor


as i understood it's a little bit different project
here are the work exactly with the waves form (limiters, filters etc)

my problem is in making a circut simulation - no the fuctional one. i mean that the fuction of signal changes must be not functional way but with circuit emulation as if the signal passes from real condensators, transistors, resistors etc...



I think I understand what you mean :)
I believe that the concept of creating networks of little elements, modules is the same. It is not important what an element is good for, the only important thing is that it has inputs and outputs and a transformation inbetween. And important is that these elements are connected to each other, they build up a network.
There are many parameters that can affect the precision of a circuit simulation, like latency or signal spreading delay, electronic parameters.
Did you think of something like this?

Greets, Gábor

Mark Jones

I think he wants to emulate a DSP chip... he wants to "transform" an input WAV file into an output WAV file, the "transform" being a reverb, a chorus, or other audio effect. If so, I believe he might be interested in Fast Fourier Transforms, LaPlace transforms, etc.
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


you're both right

yeah that must be some kind of scheme that must change the signal

not by the digital means as it made usually (digital delay, chorus, distortion etc...) and by some virtual analog of real circuit... that wiil make the delay, chorus, distoruion effect not fy means of some formula - but by means like the real circuit works