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Prologue Macro

Started by zooba, July 16, 2006, 01:04:14 AM

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Hi all.

I'm using the following macro in my ASM Runtime for all the prologues, as well as the default prologue macro for programs using it (to assist with compatibility with the error handling). However, I'm finding that the following statement is causing problems:


In theory, and AFAICT the code matches the theory, this should do a push ebp/mov ebp,esp and a leave/ret 0 at the top and bottom of the procedure. However, for some reason it actually does a ret 4, and the code for forcing a stack frame never gets executed. It appears that MASM is interpreting the FORCEFRAME argument as a parameter.

The best workaround I have so far is to define a local variable that never gets used. This only costs a subtract (add esp, -4) so it's alright in performance terms, but I'd rather be able to use the FORCEFRAME parameter.

Here is the prologue function:

    ; MASM Stack Probing PROLOGUE macro
    ; by chep, 2005/07/04
    ; Parameter bytes stored in ML equate added by Zooba, 02/01/2006
    ; Stack frame always created for Assert compatibility, 25/06/2006
    ; Renamed ASMRTPrologue by Zooba, 25/06/2006
    ASMRTPrologue MACRO procname, flags, argbytes, localbytes, reglist, userparms:VARARG
      LOCAL parm, reg, probe, max_probe, line, page_size, unrolled, @rolled
      ;; Memory page size, can be changed for other architectures
      page_size = 4096
      ;; Use unrolled probing by default
      unrolled = 1
      ;; Don't force a stack frame unless told to
      forceframe = 0
      ;; Throw an error if not in FLAT model, because stack probing is irrelevant otherwise
      IF @Model NE 7
        line TEXTEQU %@Line
        % ECHO @FileCur(line) : STACKPROBE prologue ERROR: stack probing is irrelevant if not using FLAT model
        EXITM <1>
      ;; Detect macro arguments, give a warning if unknown argument
      IFNB <userparms>
        FOR parm,<userparms>
          IFIDNI <parm>,<ROLLED>
            unrolled = 0
          ELSEIFIDNI <parm>,<FORCEFRAME>
            forceframe = 1
            line TEXTEQU %@Line
            % ECHO @FileCur(line) : STACKPROBE prologue warning: unknown prologue argument : parm
      parameter_bytes = -1
      IF localbytes GT 0
        ;; Set up stack frame
        push ebp
        mov  ebp, esp
        max_probe = (localbytes+page_size-1) AND (-page_size) ;; round up to next page size
        IF localbytes LT page_size
          ;; Normal stack frame, no probing
          add  esp, (-localbytes)
        ELSEIF unrolled
          ;; Unrolled stack probing
          probe = page_size
          WHILE probe LE max_probe
            ;; Probe stack
            mov  DWORD PTR [ebp-probe], eax
            probe = probe + page_size
          add  esp, (-localbytes)
          ;; Rolled stack probing
          add  ebp, (-max_probe)
          mov  DWORD PTR [ebp], eax
          add  ebp, page_size
          cmp  ebp, esp
          jne  @rolled
          add  esp, (-localbytes)
        parameter_bytes = argbytes
      ELSEIF argbytes GT 0
        ;; Set up stack frame
        push ebp            ; this code gets executed instead of the next block
        mov  ebp, esp
        parameter_bytes = argbytes
      ELSEIF forceframe NE 0
        push ebp             ; this code never gets executed
        mov  ebp, esp
        parameter_bytes = argbytes
      ;; USES clause
      IFNB <reglist>
        FOR reg,reglist
          push reg
      EXITM <0>


I solved my problem.

User parameters for a PROC statement need to be inside angle-brackets:


Incidentally, I'm no longer using Chep's prologue macro anymore since I've completely rewritten my own from scratch. Thanks for the leg up though, Chep :u