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Error on 'INCLUDE' Files??

Started by Lavoc, July 10, 2006, 12:41:05 PM

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Hello everyone!  :U

I'm new in ASM. i have learn ASM about couple of month ago..

I already installed MASM32 v9 in my PC.
The location is D:\masm32\.

My problem is, when I compile a code that contain a windows API it will come up a message like this:

fatal error A1000: cannot open file :

I already put the '' file in 'Include' folder but still not working.

can someone show me how to solve this problem?

I'm using WinXP SP2 with Intel P4 1.5Ghz.


This can be only one error in path.

the correct path is   "include D:\masm32\include\"

You can use "include \masm32\include\" only if your sources are located in d:.
If they are in c: ,use the full path.