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32-bit FDC driver not working

Started by thomasantony, January 21, 2005, 08:54:23 AM

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   I am working on the FDC driver for my OS and it is not going on very well. I have included the full OS pack in the attachment. The DMA module sets up DMA channel 2 with offset 7000h (like SolarOs :) ). And the floppy.asm contsains all the other FDC crap. I also made a command 'fdc' in the kernel. It should read sector 13 and display it on the screen. I have written a text file to this sector. But it is not working. I think I should work on rebuilding it again. Maybe then it will work. Can someone have a look at it?

Thomas Antony

[attachment deleted by admin]
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These are a few things I noticed when I looked through your code.
I don't know if it will fix things, but it will definitely help ;)
You might want to try not writing so much in one go, so you can test each bit and make sure it works first before adding another bit - it makes errors a lot easier to find too.
If you need more help, let me know and I'll take a better look :U


    mov edx,FDC_MSR
    xor eax,eax
    in al,dx
    and al,08h        ;<---- should be 80h ::)
    jz @fdc_w2

guess what you missed

    mov eax,[ebp+18h]   ; send track
    call FDC_WriteByte

hint: PUSH EAX :wink

*not errors, just advice :)
- no need to CLI at start of an int handler - it's already done automatically
- and STI is done automatically on IRET
- when waiting for irq, you can use HLT in the wait loop (helps cool cpu, if nothing else)
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


   I finally got it to work myself. The next release of my Os is online :8) Get it at

Thomas Antony
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Quote- and STI is done automatically on IRET

While this may frequently be the apparent action, an IRET does not actually do an STI. Instead, it restores the state of the interrupt flag to what it was before the interrupt. From the Intel Architecture and Programming Manual:
INT/INTO -- Call to Interrupt Procedure

NOTE: The following operational description applies not
only to the aboove instructions but also to external
interrupts and exceptions.

IF PE = 0
  IF <- 0 ;(* Clear interrupt flag *)
  TF <- 0 ;(* Clear trap flag *)
  AC <- 0 ;(* Clear AC flag *)
  (* No error coded are pushed *)
  CS <- IDT(interrupt number * 4).selector;
  IP <- IDT(interrupt number * 4).offset;
(* Start ececution in real address mode *)

IRET/IRETD -- Interrupt Return

IF PE = 0

  IF OperandSize = 32 (* Instruction = IRETD *)
  THEN EIP <- Pop();
  ELSE (* Instruction = IRET *)
    IP <- Pop();
  CS <- Pop();
  IF OperandSize = 32 (* Instruction = IRETD *)
  THEN EFLAGS <- Pop();
  ELSE (* Instruction = IRET *)
    FLAGS <- Pop();
eschew obfuscation


Hi MichealW, Thanx for the info
and Tedd, I didn't read your post properly last time as I was over the moon :dance:. If I did use HLT would the CPu execute the other instructions? If it does, how do I get out of this halt state. Is there a specific instruction to do this? Suppose I don't want a loop then. The CPU will halt until an IRQ is received right?

Thomas Antony
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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The cpu will HaLT until any interrupt is received and then just carry on to the next instruction (so you don't need to do an instruction to get out of HLT.)
IRQs have to come in through interrupts, so when you get an irq, the HLT will finish and the next instruction will be executed. The problem is that you don't know WHICH interrupt you got - it might not be the one you're waiting for - so you still have to check; it just means you're only checking after you actually get an interrupt and not all the time. You just have to make sure that ints aren't disabled when you do hlt though, otherwise you'll be waiting forever :bdg (But if you're expecting an irq, then ints shouldn't be disabled anyway.)
So you still need to check your flag to see if your irq handler was called, but the hlt is just there so you're not checking over and over when there's no need.

Unfortunately, the code has to go something like this:

    ;check before, just in case (unlikely, but technically possible)
    mov eax,[irq_done]
    test eax,eax
    jnz @done
    ;the real wait loop
    mov eax,[irq_done]
    test eax,eax
    jz @wait_more

MichaelW: yeah yeah :P I wasn't quite as accurate as I could've been.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


    I can't use hlt in my case as I am always reeiving timer interrupts also

Thomas Antony
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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I think your timer interrupt is 18.2 times per second(?)
This isn't very often for a computer running at millions of cycles per second.
The actual time you'll be waiting for floppy irq will only be milliseconds, so it's unlikely you'll get more than one timer interrupt.
So it's still a good thing to do :U
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.