How to vertically center a text in an Edit control?

Started by gwapo, April 19, 2006, 03:06:11 AM

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Do you guys know what window style to apply to make Edit control (or possibly in RichTextBox control as well) to center its text vertically?





When you create the rich edit control, the normal styles are supposed to work fine.


This gives you normal horizontal alignment but I doubt there is a way to do this vertically unless you simply pad the start with enough CRLF pairs.
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Thanks hutch for the info.

Since there's no window style that will allow me to center text vertically, I was thinking that I have to adjust the non-client area instead, based on the window height and Font height (since I am only working with single line text).



Mincho Georgiev

Hi gwapo! I don't know what exactly you working on , but sometimes is better to use a static or custom control for just printing a centered text if that is the case.
I had remember a particular case , and i've made that example for you, you can use the same method to center the text in any control (Edit, Rich...) or you can just use anything for 'posting' a centered text.

[attachment deleted by admin]


I don't have any MASM example, but since you are working with a single line of text, make the textbox without a border and use a static control with a border to make it look the size you want. I use this trick all the time in VB, but it'd be quite a bit more complicated to do in assembly methinks.


Zooba :U


Quote from: shaka_zulu on April 22, 2006, 10:13:37 AM
Hi gwapo! I don't know what exactly you working on , but sometimes is better to use a static or custom control for just printing a centered text if that is the case.
I had remember a particular case , and i've made that example for you, you can use the same method to center the text in any control (Edit, Rich...) or you can just use anything for 'posting' a centered text (input and textarea control).

Thanks shaka_zulu, your sample was a great help. What I'm currently working is a small library for Windowless Programming (actually a small Window Manager to be precise, the same way web-browsers draw and make the controls functional on a webpage) -- I thought it would be best to start with the simpliest which is a single line of text.

This is the same reason why I'm asking if there's a window style of vertical alignment, because I am implementing window styles as well for the small window manager I'm working on. Meaning, if there's ES_LEFT style for a window class, then instead of creating the window, then I am just drawing the window, hence the program may become lighter.

My only problem is implementing both client-area and non-client-area for the windowless program.





There is another approach if you don't mind controlling text from a WM_PAINT message and that is the DrawText() API which has a number of very useful text formatting styles including an edit control style of wordwrap. I would be inclined to point it at a back buffer and blit it onto the client area but you can control different areas of the text you wish to display by the rectangle co-ordinates you specify.
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