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Call syntax problems

Started by xbox7887, March 29, 2006, 08:09:50 PM

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I'm having an issue calling a function external to the trainer I am working on.  The gamecode is as follows...
.text:00080237                 call    _GetSystemTimeAsFileTime@4 ; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(x)
.text:0008023C                 mov     eax, [esp+20h+var_C] ;low date time
.text:00080240                 mov     ecx, [esp+20h+var_10] ;high date time

And the actual function here...
.text:003303F3 ; __stdcall GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(x)
.text:003303F3 _GetSystemTimeAsFileTime@4 proc near    ; CODE XREF: sub_7FE90+3A7p
.text:003303F3                                         ; sub_80390+57p ...
.text:003303F3                 jmp     ds:KeQuerySystemTime
.text:003303F3 _GetSystemTimeAsFileTime@4 endp

I wish to call the GetSystemTimeAsFileTime function so I can then use the outputs for timestamping.  I tried compiling with "call sub_3303F3" or "call 03303F3h" but both were a no go.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Nvm, I guess it works fine when you move the address into a register and call that instead :red