FASt Server - Win32 Socket Library and Tutorial ....

Started by James Ladd, January 15, 2005, 02:41:51 AM

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Weird, mine always shows purple. I'm using firefox btw.

James Ladd

I gave the latest version a new name. I was getting slack and not renaming it so as not to have to upload the html as well.

Comments welcomed. Ill try and do some more today.

Anyone tried ?

rgs, striker

Mark Jones

Looking at it now Striker. :) Have you tried connecting two telnet sessions yet? :wink

Oh James, you could put all the website files in a folder, then give us a link to the folder, and it should show all the files in it. (Provided you don't have an index.html in there and any specialized server settings.)
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08

James Ladd

Yes I have tested multiple telnet sessions to the server. It worked a'ok.
When the telnet session ends I get a EOF in the server as expected.

Im not sure what you are asking for in the web site. Can you re-word?

Mark Jones

Try connecting two concurrent telnet sessions... :)

1. Make a folder on your site like
2. Put any number of files in it (no index.html file)
3. Try going to
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08

James Ladd

And what files would you like me to put on the server for file browsing ?
Also, Yes I have tried concurrent telnet sessions. All is ok.
Do you get an error ?

Rgs, striker.

Mark Jones

Interesting, no when I tried to connect two telnet windows to the server, the server terminated immediately. And one of the telnet windows reported "connection to host lost" or something like that.

Even more interesting - I just tried it again and it worked flawlessly. Hmm...

About the site: If you want, keep all the versions of FastSvr there. Then when you make an update, you don't have to edit your index.html, just tell us to go to :)
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08

James Ladd


Ill probably do the file browsing thing next release.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Im glad that the multiple telnet sessions worked. Maybe you ran them against against an old version
and thats why you had a problem.

Do you think there are enough comments in the code, if no, where should I add more ?
Do you find the comments useful ?

Thanks for trying out the latest release and providing feedbacl. Ill do more code when I get a chance.
Next post will have a plug-in dll being called.

rgs, striker.

James Ladd


Ive been very busy at work so I have not had time to modify FASt Server.
Hopefully this weekend some time, even though Im in at work tomorrow (Saturday).

Anyone got comments or suggestions on the code and level of detail in the

UPDATE: I have changed FASTServer to use overlapped structures more and therefore its possible to
have more read and writes going on at the same time. This increases throughput and responsiveness of
the server. Now Ill start working on the plugin. Wont be long before im finished.
The latest code isnt up yet, but Ill post when it is. Im not at home you see.

Rgs, striker.

Mark Jones

Sounds good. :)

Be sure to save some of your timeslices for the ladyfriend. (She is HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, no?) :bg
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08

James Ladd

Good point about the lady thread. She was blocked on a "sale" so I had cycles to spare :)
Rgs, striker.

Ill try and post the updated code to my site tonight.

UPDATE: The latest code is posted. This uses overlapped structures to improve throughput and
parallellism (i probably spelt that wrong).  THe plugin stuff is next and that wont take too long :)

Dang: No comments yet. - where ru Mark Jones ?

Mark Jones

Oh sorry, I got blocked at the karaoke bar last night. Came home, unformatted my bed and crashed. This morning I didn't want to bootstrap. My logic is especially fuzzy today... :lol

Edit: I just opened one console, connected, typed a few things, opened another console and tried to connect, and received "Instruction at 0x7C93426D referenced memory at 0x00000000. Memory could not be read." I tried to debug it there, but it just closed.

Then I opened it again and connected two clients without transmitting any data and once opened, they both could be used successfully.

I tried a second time to duplicate the first results, and exactly the same error. This is with the #4 zip file.

One last thing, is ALIGN 4 needed before each proc? ML/link automatically aligns all code entry points on 4-byte boundaries, doesn't it? (I've never tested this.)
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Quote from: Mark Jones on July 11, 2005, 02:53:16 AMOne last thing, is ALIGN 4 needed before each proc? ML/link automatically aligns all code entry points on 4-byte boundaries, doesn't it? (I've never tested this.)
Only when making an "lib" file (with .486 and above processor directive you actually get ALIGN 16 automatically). On executables there is no automatic alignment on procedures.

James Ladd

Thanks for trying it out.
I can not reproduce the errors your getting.
I run the server, telnet to it, type, open another console, telnet, type ....
All seems ok.
Rgs, striker.

Mark Jones

I just tried it again, same result. Strange. I'm using an AMD XP 2500+ on XP SP2, freshly installed just a few weeks ago. I'll try and track down the issue.
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08