Question about Dialog Editor

Started by jissé, March 12, 2006, 08:47:45 PM

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I discover RadASM recenty and I enjoy it very very much !
It's so nice to code masm whit this IDE...

Thank you Ketil O for your so nice job.

I've a little question and I don't find answer on this forum.
But I'm french and I think it's because my english is very very bad... ( Sorry ! )
Perhap's someone can help me...
Is there a topic who describe how to do to center a button in the Dialog Editor ?

Have a good day ( or night )...


Hi jissé

RadASM does currently not have such a functin.
It is however to be implemented in the next release.



Thanks you for you rapid answer KetilO !

No problem, if this fonction not exist yet...
I will use coordinate to center.

Now, I can stop searching !

I discover by chance today on the forum Shift+arrow and Ctrl+arrow... Is there other "tricks" like this ?
If exist a list of shortcuts, please tell me where I can see it.

Thank you again for the quality of your work KetilO.
( Source code of RadASM is a very nice lesson of pure asm ! )