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error dialog

Started by assembie1, March 07, 2006, 03:03:55 PM

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Hi jamesasm here,hope you remember me  :cheekygreen:, um
there used to be a nice little error dialog on donkeys site it was called something like ex1 or just error
dialog it read out stack and type of os system being used all on tan background, the thing about it was that you could use concantinate and it would put it in the edit window as you concantinated with out further code to display which made it really kinda elegant  :boohoo:
if i find a copy ill post the whole works with my changes to make it display as you use concantinate.

if anyone has really short version in mind of this idea please post it here, thanks i appreciate it


Hi there.

The address of Donkey's website is

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Hi  PBrennick ... thank you sir :clap:

thats just what i needed thats the one, im glad they saved this little program with error readout and exception handling.

now to ask for something else i cant find.
wheres my million dollar bill i left it right here i am sure, i posted it and it is susposeta be right heya     :snooty: