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PCI Bios

Started by mircoo, December 15, 2005, 06:47:06 PM

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have anybody program like this, but functional?? please help!

mov ax,0xb101 //INSTALATION CHECK
mov di,0x0000
int 0x1a

;mov cx,0x2101 //DEVICE ID
;mov dx,0x110a //VENDOR ID
;mov ax,0xb182 //FIND PCI DEVICE 32-bit
;int 0x1a

mov cx,0x2101 //DEVICE ID
mov dx,0x110a //VENDOR ID
mov ax,0xb102 //FIND PCI DEVICE
int 0x1a
;bh = bus
;bl = device + function

;mov ax,0xb18a //READ CFG DWORD 32-bit
;mov di,0x0010 //BASE ADDRESS 0
;int 0x1a

mov ax,0xb10a //READ CFG DWORD
mov di,0x0010 //BASE ADDRESS 0
int 0x1a
//ecx = BAR1


The attachment is a program that I coded using only the PCI BIOS information from Ralf Brown's Interrupt List: an HTML version is here:

And the download version here:

The program attempts to enumerate the device IDs for three hard-coded vendor IDs. I hard coded the vendor ID and device index because the BIOS functions are far too slow to reasonably check all possible vendor and device IDs. I did not test the 32-bit functions because they were not supported on my test system.

Ralf Brown has a program "to display lots of information about the PCI-bus devices inside a computer", available, without source code, here. The program seems to run under Windows 98 SE OK, but not under Windows 2000.

[attachment deleted by admin]
eschew obfuscation


Try this website:
excellent, and free (specs, examples etc.)

or google for Craig Hart

here is a nice blurb from the website:

You may be interested to know that the PCI bus forms the basis for quite a few other types of system busses: AGP, Cardbus, PCI-X, SmallPCI, CompactPCI, PCI Express and probably others. This website attempts to cover all these variations and typically just refers to them all as just PCI.

The main point of this site is to distribute my PCI diagnostic software, however I have collated a lot of PCI related information together here for everyone to take and enjoy. Everything you download directly from this site is 100% freeware - do what you want with it. A credit and link to this site in any derivative material you create would be nice :-)
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