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Bizzard !

Started by LL, November 24, 2005, 07:56:32 PM

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Hi to all,  :eek

I recently notice something bizzard.  I made a simple message box following "Iczelion" no.2 tutorial. I added a Loadicon to see if it would work, and it did.  After a few days, I decided to change icon to a different one. It changed the one we see in our folders, however it didn't change the one we see when the message box is opened.  Not to overwrite the second one I made, I renamed that message box. When I tried the renamed message box, It was now showing the new icon that I had changed. Under the first name it was assemble, (Just again renaming it to the first name), It would again show the first icon (without ever reassembling it,
just renaming it). I'm not sure if I'm making myself clear. But if so, can someone help me understand why this is happening ? I added what I made if this can help.  Thank you in advance,


;Cet example est retiré du tutorial no.2 d'Iczelion et fut modifié pour
;etre assemblé par (Goasm et Golink)...

Data section
MsgCaption      db "L'example no. 02 d'Iczelion",0
MsgBoxText      db '"Win32 Assembly" est intéressant !', 0

Constant section
IDI_ICON1       equ 5

Code section

   PUSH    IDI_ICON1      ;5 = "MAINICON.ico"
   PUSH   0
   CALL    LoadIconA

   PUSH   1000F0h      ;0F0h = MB_ICONMASK, no icon & no sound
   PUSH   ADDR MsgCaption   ;addr MsgCaption
   PUSH   ADDR MsgBoxText   ;addr MsgBoxTex
   PUSH   0      ;NULL
   CALL   MessageBoxA   ;invoke MessageBox
   PUSH   0      ;NULL
   CALL   ExitProcess      ;invoke ExitProcess


After the call to LoadIconA, the icon handle is in the EAX register. Then you should store the handle in a variable before calling any other function (so you don't lose the value of EAX). Also don't call MessageBoxA, use MessageBoxIndirectA instead to specify a custom icon.

Hope that helps! :U


Hi QvasiModo,

I still don't know how to use the "MSGBOXPARAMS" structure within a program. This is one of the reason I haven't yet used MessageBoxIndirect. I will try to find some examples on how to use the "MSGBOXPARAMS" structure.

But I'm still not sure that I've explained myself properly. Let me try again ! I assembled the above messagebox with, for example "icon A" named MAINICON. The messagebox has the proper "icon A" being displayed on the desktop, and when running, on the taskbar. If a try "icon B", also named MAINICON, the new "icon B" will be properly displayed on the desktop. However, when running the newly assembled messagebox, the "icon A" will still be displayed on the taskbar. Icon A and icon B are both being used, even if only the second MAINICON still exist in the folder.  If I simply rename the second ".exe", or the newly assembled messagebox, things get back to normal. The renamed messagebox has the proper "icon B" being displayed on the desktop, and when running, on the taskbar. Is this what you had understood ?



Oh, sorry, I hadn't understood correctly. :red

Could you post the resource file? The explanation is probably there...

Otherwise it could be Window's icon cache that's playing tricks on you. Try using Tweak-UI or a similar program to clear the icon cache, and see if it changes anything.


Hi again,

I tried Tweak-UI, but it didn't resolve the problem. Here is the resource file:

#define IDI_ICON1       5


Just those two lines. It's bizzard, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it yet !  :bg



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Hi to all,

I finally tried to understand how to use: MessageBoxIndirect (and MSGBOXPARAMS), and this is what I wrote:

   hicon   DD       0
   mbp   MSGBOXPARAMS   ?

   mbp.cbsize   DD 0
   mbp.hwndOwner   DD 0
   mbp.hinstance   DD 0
   mbp.lpszText   DD 0
   mbp.lpszCaption   DD 0
   mbp.dwStyle   DD 0
   mbp.lpszIcon   DD 0

Constant section
IDI_ICON1       equ 5

   szAppTitle                   db      "MessageBoxIndirect Demo", 0
   szMsgAbout   db      "MessageBoxIndirect Demo", 13, 10
         db      "      Version 1.0", 13, 13, 10
         db      "  Created by Léonard!", 13, 10
         db      " © November 26, 2005", 0

   PUSH    0
   CALL   GetModuleHandleA
   MOV   D[mbp.hinstance],EAX

   PUSH    IDI_ICON1                                         ;5 = "Dude.ico"
   PUSH   0
   CALL    LoadIconA
   MOV   D[hicon],eax

   MOV   D[mbp.cbsize], 28D                                      ;7 "mbp." * 4 bytes each = 28D
   MOV   D[mbp.lpszText], OFFSET szMsgAbout
   MOV   D[mbp.lpszCaption], OFFSET szAppTitle
   MOV   D[mbp.dwStyle],080h                                      ;80h = MB_USERICON, with no sound
   MOV   D[mbp.lpszIcon], 5
   PUSH   ADDR mbp
   CALL   MessageBoxIndirectA
   CALL   ExitProcess
I still don't know what these features are: "dwContextHelpId", "lpfnMsgBoxCallback" and "dwLanguageId". Give me time, and soner or later I'll stumble over something. Ha! Ha!  :lol