ResEd version released (11-02-2005)

Started by KetilO, November 02, 2005, 11:34:50 AM

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Whats new:

o Dialog preview
o Help ID's on dialogs, controls and menu popups
o Control default sizes (just click instedad of drawing the control)
o Individual language setting on dialogs, menus, accelerator tables and string tables.
o Accelerator table now has option to set ascii value
o ContextHelp property on dialogs
o HasStrings property on listboxes and comboboxes
o Styles and ExStyles can now be written to rc file as their defined values instead of as hex values.
o Tools and Help menu function calling improved.
o Added MESSAGETABLE resource type

+ Several minor bugfixes

Get it here (with sources):

Get it here (exe only):



Hi Ketil,

Some versions ago, I think it started in, ResEd started writing windows constants for some values in the output file.  Can you please add an option to turn this off and use the raw numbers instead?


Hi Sevag.K

There is  an option: Styles as hex



Hi Ketil,

It seems that WM_VISIBLE is getting through even if "Styles as Hex" is checked, particularily if "NOT" visible is desired.

Here is the section in question, if it will help

CAPTION "Combat"
FONT 8,"Courier New",0,0
STYLE 0x10C40000
EXSTYLE 0x00000080
  CONTROL "",IDC_COMBATVIEW,"Edit",0x50280004,0,0,199,115,0x00000201
  CONTROL "Primary Attack",IDC_PATTACK,"Button",0x50010000,1,116,67,10
  CONTROL "Secondary Attack",IDC_SATTACK,"Button",0x50010000,1,126,67,10
  CONTROL "Defend",IDC_DEFEND,"Button",0x50010000,1,137,67,10
  CONTROL "Flee",IDC_FLEE,"Button",0x50010000,1,147,67,10
  CONTROL "",IDC_DISPHEALTH,"Edit",0x50010000,161,118,33,10,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_DISPWILL,"Edit",0x50010000,161,128,33,10,0x00000200
  CONTROL "H",0,"Static",0x50000000,154,120,7,9
  CONTROL "W",0,"Static",0x50000000,154,130,7,9
  CONTROL "Done",IDC_DONE,"Button",NOT WS_VISIBLE|0x40010000,168,149,26,10


Thanks Sevag.K

Yes, NOT WS_VISIBLE is hardcoded. ResEd version is on it's way.



Could I ask UNICODE (*.rc) output  instead of ANSI, besides no matter if you'll compile ANSI or UNI resource file, menu item text is stored as UNI string in binary file. So it's obvious that we're expected to enter unicode data (kind of standard  :wink ) It's a matter of a couple of W's - that's it...


Hi ramguru

It is not that simple. Besides win95, 98 and me compatability will be lost.



Your reply is OK  :U your apps are great and if I want something I'm able to code it myself...or try harder way like manual rc file editing  :lol


Hi again
I have one simple question :) Do you use MDI in ResEd or other trick to keep program and dialog (Add dialog) captions active at the same time ? Sorry for q. not specifically related to your tool, but I'm only started to dig into resource editor concepts deeper  :toothy


Hi ramguru

ResEd is SDI. Only one dialog is active at any time.



I think my question wasn't clear enough I mean this ... I assume dialog isn't a drawing (you create it with CreateDialogParam* or something)


I use WM_NCACTIVATE to get an active caption.



Thanks, KetilO
Now I'll try to figure out stuff my-self ... I'm just curious how much time it took you to write 1-st stable release of ResEd?


Hi, here is me (impertinent guest) again
I've found 2 misbehaviours and 1 (imo) bug in your dialog editor
1. let's say there is a window intersected with preview dialog and the window is topmost, when I resize preview window or drag any control in it, your app draws a nice grid  :naughty: in the topmost window (nothing to do with resource editor). I still haven't figured out where is dc you're drawing (DrawFocusRect or when dragging control ... [desktop's dc ?]) in
2. when I suddenly press on any control (in preview dailog) from other active window, if that window was intersected with preview dialog (in screen coor.) the intersected part remains in preview dialog (then u must minimize/maxime for it to be erased)
imo bug:
1. let's say I'm dragging a control in preview dialog and suddenly (press alt-tab) pop-ups IM window (ICQ/Trillian - doesn't matter)... When I return to dialog editor it turns out that I'm still something dragging, but not that control  :eek - I'm dragging preview dialog which supposed to remain in fixed position and when I finally manage to press somewhere, the preview dialog is moved to some pseudo-random place
P.S. I'm in half way to finish my dialog editor, so I thought It would be useful you to know what I've discovered :lol , besides this is the only way to code my dialog editor - to study others behaviour...