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Cleaning out the basement

Started by drhowarddrfine, January 03, 2005, 03:25:54 PM

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and we keep producing the spacecrafts. in my native city we have a very huge plant/factory that specialized on developing space rockets, satellites and that kind of devices. my mother works there. i can say that she is taking a part of doing the space closer to us:)
so... if you need a space rocket just give me to know;)
Russia is a weird place


I have only ever seen photos of the launch site Balkonur in Khazakstan but the rocket size is truly massive, they look larger than tall city buildings.
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it's true...
we have a memorial of space rocket (1:1), which is launched with the satellites aboard (not with human), in our city. i go by it every day going to my study in university...
Russia is a weird place



The russians are very good at useing what they have. Example, Nasa spent millions of dollars building a presurized pen in space. The russians use a pencil  :bg

The t34 tank chassis was designed by an American.

The front cunard design was originally built by the wright brothers. I can't remember the exact reason they went to the single wing design, with the tail section. I think it was because of the material's at the time and the strength of their construction.

Both the US and Russia owe their space programs to the German scientist from world war II.

You are right about long distance with the aircraft now. Its not the aircraft you have to out manuever its the 120 plus mile missle system that comes in at over mach 3. You have a chance, just not a good one.

The parity of technology has made it so that their are less and less advantages in air combat anymore.

Hopefully, we can learn to use the technology to better everyone's lives instead of spending on weapon's systems.

Mark Jones

Quote from: NPNW on March 13, 2006, 06:21:14 AM
Hopefully, we can learn to use the technology to better everyone's lives instead of spending on weapon's systems.

Historically, it seems like war is inevitable. ::)

I interviewed at a corporation once which originally built gyroscopic laser-modules for military armament. For some reason the government ousted that program, so the corp used their newfound knowledge to build holographic display units. Very cool stuff. I think there were some issues regarding the previous employer though as the corp closed soon after opening. Got to see a holographic display unit up-close and personal once - truly remarkable tech of course. The CEO explained how the unit worked by its relationship to the captured time-domain of holographic film - the physics behind that just blew my mind. :dazzled: :toothy
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


reading all of this i see to where can bring us someones basement;) - it is more than just "cleaning out the basement" it is more like "cleaning out the history":)
thanks to all of you for such an interesting facts and discussion... just keep going
Russia is a weird place


speaking about space- and aircrafts i think there will be in future some kind a BBCs "Top Gear":) to compare them and to reveal the truth
Russia is a weird place

Mincho Georgiev

QuoteThe t34 tank chassis was designed by an American.
Talking about tanks, i can say something too :), My father was commander of T-52 (made in Russia) and my brother was on T-72(Rus too).
asfman, i agree with you - the war sucks, no doubt about that, but i think that if russians was more concentrated in developing of space or electronic systems instead of Nuclear Submarine Warfare(like K-19 wich actually is developed in the same year with the Anti-submarine warfare ship that i spend 4 years on), or such things, the world could be different now. The First Book written by Victor Suvorov, that i had read once ,was like a cold shower to me. This men was banished by Russia for these books. As an Ex-Officer of the Russian Army, Suvorov describes the entire war power of Russia as fake theatre, organized by the comunism. So i ask this, why to hell all of us - people,we wasting our time to make war, instead of something usefull ? Last Night i had downloaded The free GoogleEarth and WOW!!! You know, Steve, actually i can see you car on the street now! Amazing ,isn't ?
That's is the direction we should follow, not to use a space for termal tracking for targets or some s..t like that.
I hope you understand what i mean, friends!


Quote from: shaka_zulu on March 12, 2006, 12:26:50 AM
Talking about russian weapons again...,The only one that i regard is AK47, i have over 100 X 30 shots  whit it and i can say YEAH, that's the tool, I doubt that M16 will do the same job  :8)

Nah, they are both items of past and sucks. There are now newer models, which has better firing capabilities, more durable, compact and convenient to use.
Like Tavor (TAR21 is the official name I believe. Stands for Tavor Assault Rifle). This baby can fire both 5.56 and 9mm, has an integrated MARS optics (reflex sight, invisible/visible laser, night vision monocular) and some other cool features like changing the direction at which the shells are ejected. It's 20cm shorter than m16 and has practically the same firing accuracy. Although they should made it with more "gunly" design, currently it looks like a gun from science fiction cartoon  ::).
A few month before I was dismissed from the army, they just started to appear in some units, So I had a chance of firing it a couple of times, and man I was impressed!

Quote from: asmfan on March 12, 2006, 09:04:54 PM
it is a really strange death of Jury... officially it was said that he crashed with the aircraft... but could he? the top-level specialist... may be our children will know all the truth. i hope so.
There 1000 and one versions about his death. Such as (sorry non-russian speaking folks). However if it does somehow connects to the government, then we better forget about knowing the truth ever. Russian government agencies has been know for along time for their great ability to hide the truth from the people.  :naughty:

Mincho Georgiev

BTW - "9th company" ("9 Рота") is a Great movie ,and a holywood movies big oponent i think  :U Does anybody here watch it already ?


It is interesting to see the development of military rifles over time. The army here for most of the earlier part of the 20th century used a Lee Enfield 303 that dated from ww1 but it had the useful characteristic of good groupings at 1000 yards where the original FN that replaced it was lucky to get the same groupings at 300 yards. They later produced a 303 that was called a jungle carbine complete with a flash guard at the front but it was a bad mannered brutal pig to use that kicked like a mule and had a 3 feet long flash that no flash guard would work on.

An AK47 was an assault rifle and while the design is now old, it had the reputation for being very robust and reasonably portable. The problem with high tech toys is they don't like being dragged through the mud or carried underwater in jungle river crossings so they are really urban warefare toys, not serious military weapons for all conditions. I still tend to like BIG calibre weapons and when I was young and very foolish, I used to go with people who hunted wild pigs on foot and where a lot of these guys used to use high velocity small calibre weapons, my 44 Winchester used to bowl a large boar flat on its ass where the ones hit with small calibre rifles often ran away.

Big calibre stuff shoots through undergrowth, low scrub and most anyhting else that gets in the way so it is a better hunting rifle for things that are hard to stop in difficult conditions.
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I agree with you Hutch.

Big calibre is the way to go. I like the M1 Gerand with the 30 -06 round. We got to fire some of these back in the 90's and just last year. In 1990 we were fireing hot armor pierceing loads. When the grass in front of you is waving when fireing from a prone position, I don't want to be hit by the round. After 60 rounds everyone had a sore shoulder.

From people in Vietnam war, they said they could fire the AK47 all day. Take it home throw it in a locker.  A couple months later without cleaning it, it would be jammed. Take it out of the locker, use their boot to get the shell out and take it out and it would fire. The designer purposely designed the tolerences so that they were not so precise so the gun would work in these environments. Very smart.

There are some "caseless?" ammo guns that the German's designed that fire the bullet and caseing down range, no ejection out the side. Suppose to be pretty durable.

Most of the technology we are seeing is very outdated. Aircraft design is from the 60's, 70's, maybe the 80's. The newer stuff we don't even have a clue with. Some of the propulsion systems on the prototype experimental aircraft come from the 1950's.

QuoteI interviewed at a corporation once which originally built gyroscopic laser-modules for military armament. For some reason the government ousted that program, so the corp used their newfound knowledge to build holographic display units.

Mark Jones,
The gyroscopic are from the 30's -50's. Brown developed them for the German space program.

On the Holographic technology  Did they have a three dimensional unit? Some of the newer technology for LCD, and paperthin displays will use some of these algorithms. If you go look at some of the Japanese sites for monitor development they have some of the equations for their display technology design, which goes into the wavelength and focal points.



There is a trick if you know how to do it firing prone. Put a pad under the stock to get it slightly off the ground and lean your shoulder on top of it rather than behind it and your shoulder lasts a lot longer. My Winchester is a 94 pattern 44 magnum and with jacketted ammo it had a velocity of about 1800 fps so for a 240 grain projectile, it would stop anything short of a railway train.

There was a contemporary big calibre toy from Marlin, a 444 lever action that was popping about 2200 fps but it had the reputation of being a bit of a handful to use. Hunting wild pigs is a risky business and often what you see is a very unhappy boar at 50 feet coming in fast and all you can see is the width of the head and the furrow in the undergrowth. I have even seen a 303 fail in its first shot because a big boar has a very thick skull from the front but the 44 magnum literally takes their head off.

I have never hunted indiginous animals and never will as i don't approve of exploiting them for any purpose but OZ has a massive problem with wild domesticated animals that need to be removed as they destroy the habitat for the indiginous ones.
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I think the shoulder was a combination of too much piss water (beer) and not being used to such a large caliber with hot loads that day. Since then have fired the M1 and not had a problem,a lthough wasn't the same ammo either. I'll have to remember that if I run into some custom hot rounds.

Most of the time the M1 is heavy enough that you don't feel it recoil at all. My wife got to shoot one this last year. We have quite a few friends that go shooting, and they are amazed that she will fire anything offered, nails and all.  :bg

I think if I gave her your cannon, after she fired it she might point it at me  :bg 

My father in law has something huge like you've got. My wife's ex husband fired it once. Broke his nose. My father in law use's it for bear hunting, big game.

Takeing care of pigs when I was younger you learned where to get a pigs attention. In the head was not really a good place. I certainly wouldn't want a wild boar chargeing at 50 feet and not have it stopped. I've had them pick up a wire panel with two people on each end and move it and they were light by comparison at around 300 pounds vs a boar at 600?

I've heard that the wild boar's are tearing up the country side in Oz. That just goes to show how short sighted we are. We have a similar problem with the "flying" carp from china that were imported to  help clean fish farm's. They escaped in a flood.  Imagine that? Now they are so bad that people have to have nets when they are running their boats around the rivers south of chicago and the great lakes because they literally jump into the boat and hurt people.

The Department of Natural Resources has boats with nets as the fish literally jump into them. They are trying to develope receipe's so people will fish them and eat them.

I like the idea of the bigger rifles with the caseless ammo, low or no recoil. Hits once and drops the target. I'll have to look at some web sites or talk to my friend about these rifles. Ever fire a musket?
The Spanish had some that had a range of over a mile and were 6 or 8 feet in length. Talk about some power.



the problem in the state where I live is a Government run by hippies, poofters and greenies that have shut down and locked up the national parks, banned hunting and a whole pile of other really stupid things so that instead of the ferrule animals being well under control, they are getting into epidemic proportions again and it cashes out in stock losses for farmers, habitat damage for indiginous animals and in the case of wild pigs, they are a danger to unarmed people in the country. I am waiting for the "Save the rabbit" campaign to completely destroy the country areas. Good thing is this state government is so unpopular they will probably get arseholed at the next election but the damage is massive.

You may be better off with the flying carp than we are with the introduction of cane toads in Queensland. They were originally introduced to kill a beetle that effects sugar cane but instead bred out of control and have been migrating down the coast ever since. When i have been up in Queensland, you see them at night on the lawns of houses standing on their toes trying to catch gnats or similar. They don't particularly offend me but they are a pest to many. The problem is they are plug useless and are poisonous to boot. At least you can probably do something useful with carp if you can catch enough of them where cane toads are truly beyond use.

Interesting your comments on muskets, a sharps rifle in good condition has an accurate range of something like a mile and from memory one was used to shoot a general in the American Civil War. They apparently were still being used for target shooting well into the 20th century. I don't like all of the smoke from gunpowder rifles, you have to wait for the smoke to clear to see if you hit anything.  :bg
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