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HIDE 1.1.0 beta testing and debugging

Started by Sevag.K, October 05, 2005, 06:38:59 AM

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If anyone would like to participate, you'll need the latest HIDE 1.0.9 package (working or not), unzip the attachment into the HIDE folder (it will not overwrite any existing file).

The executable is dbg_HIDE.exe, it is loaded with COFF debug information.

You'll also need to start DbgWin.exe ( in the HIDE\bin folder, or through HIDE menu), to see some debug information displayed.

For Window 2000 testers:

You have Olly Debug:
Run dbg_HIDE.exe with Olly, if you expand the address field, you'll also notice procedure names.  Please notify me which is the last HIDE procedure executed before the crash (the actual crash occurs in a Windows DLL, possibly User32.dll, I actually need the HIDE procedure from which the DLL is called).

You don't hav Olly Debug:
Just send me a log of the DbgWin output (select-all copy or save from menu).


What's new:
not much for the debugging version.  This file is bloated with COFF info.
I re-wrote the property parser using a proper lexer and hash tables.
-The 'class' option in the combo-box  is now active and working to properly show all the classes in your project.
-The 'lable' option in the combo-box is now activa and working to display all labels between begin-end sequences.
-the status bar shows more information when mouse hovers over a known symbol.
-the "Find Declare" is more accurate.

not perfect yet, it might miss some labels, or mis-categorize labels if you have nested begin..end sequences.

New Edit menu option to "Goto Program Begin" which finds the begin <program name> label

test version 1.0.9.l

[attachment deleted by admin]


Good work!!!!!!!! It does not crashes on my Windows 2000 box at my job.


>Begin [HIDE_MAIN]
creating IDD_DLG
>Init dialog
creating output window
output window created
creating project window
project window created
creating properties window
calling sepproperties
starting combo
filling listbox
properties window created
update menu
done update menu
>done InitDialog
created IDD_DLG
main message loop



There seems to be another problem.
Please test by going to menu -> Option -> Compiler Settings -> Advanced button


New version 1.0.9.j for testing "Advanced..." dialog in "Compiler Settings"


New version 1.0.9.l for testing "Advanced..." dialog in "Compiler Settings"