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how to call TASK MANAGER thu Assembly Program?

Started by ravi, September 04, 2005, 08:17:40 AM

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hi buddies,
i was working over little ,  new program.
I am trying to call Task Manager (in xp) thru assembly program.
does anybuddy know that?


the actual task manager program is:
in the windows\system32 directory.  i believe thats what you are looking for.


Hi ravi,

You'll need to use CoInitialize, CoCreateInstance, CoUninitialize, and the interfaces ITaskScheduler, ITask, ITaskTrigger, and IPersistFile. You will need mstask.lib also



EDIT: If you're referring to scheduled tasks, if not my bad.


    szTaskManager BYTE "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\taskmgr.exe",0

    INVOKE ShellExecute,NULL,NULL,ADDR szTaskManager,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWDEFAULT ;shell32.dll


Hmm, but not everyone installs Windows to hd C:\ or \Windows, it can be something like

How would you apply GetSystemDirectory to this code?


    szSystemDirectory BYTE MAX_PATH dup(?)


    INVOKE GetSystemDirectory,ADDR szSystemDirectory,MAX_PATH
    dec    eax
    cmp    BYTE PTR[eax],05Ch            ;"\"
    je     AddExe

    inc    eax
    mov    BYTE PTR[eax],05Ch            ;"\"

    inc    eax
    mov    DWORD PTR[eax],06B736174h     ;"task" reverse order
    mov    DWORD PTR[eax+4],02E72676Dh   ;"mgr." reverse order
    mov    DWORD PTR[eax+8],0657865h     ;"exe",0 reverse order



Instead of using a hardcoded C:\WINNT, use %systemroot% to get the WINNT/Windows directory.

Therefore the string would be:

szTaskManager BYTE "%systemroot%\SYSTEM32\taskmgr.exe",0

And should always give the correct directory  :U
If you love somebody, set them free.
If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were..


well thanx darrel,

i haven't run it but probably it was towards what i must think.
but it would be better to check whether the key is disabled or not in registry.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System  (key must be set to 1 for disabling TASKMGR)

I was trying to run taskmgr thru my prog b'coz a virus like script or trojan whatever u name it entered my system and disabled Taskmgr.exe,and being the member(mostly user) of this group i don't use any ANtivirus.I tried to run it manually but it didn't work out.Even i call it frm c,but of no use.well i will check all of ur postings and post whatever happens for others to sue (  :bg use).


thanx frnds especially DARREL and BRIXTON.

I was about to submit this code earlier but u know the DIS-connectivity(i mean connectivity) of DIAL UP helps u very much .

now the FINAL code looks as:

        .model flat,stdcall
        option casemap:none   ; case sensitive
; ####################################################
        include \masm32\include\
        include \masm32\include\
        include \masm32\include\
        include \masm32\include\

        includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
        includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
        includelib \masm32\lib\shell32.lib

    szTaskManager BYTE "%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\taskmgr.exe",0

    invoke ExitProcess,NULL
end Start


continued from last post:----discontinued one

now the program is working properly.I have tested that

TWO essentials are :

1.    include \masm32\include\ ; necessary to use shellexecute function call b'coz prototype is given in shell32
2.    invoke ExitProcess,NULL  ; if not called windows warning message will appear  "WIndows has encountered the problem with filenameucreated.exe and needs to be closed"

           i hope now this query is completed with all documentation and practical example .I ,further , intend to enhance it by checking the registry key.As soon as i do that i will inform to all.
Thanx to all (again to darrel and brixton )

"there is never a wrong time to do the right thing"



One thing to consider:

using %SYSTEMROOT% will assemble a file which will run on the machine you have assembled it on and only other machines that have a %SYSTEMROOT% which is identical.  For instance, your %SYSTEMROOT% on your machine is probably c:\windows  , mine is d:\window , for a number of reasons.  So, if you sent me your program, it would not work on my machine.  You should use Darrel's suggestion to make your programs universal.


...just another dial-up user :(
It is a GOOD day to code!
Some assembly required!
ASM me!
With every mistake, we must surely be learning. (George...Bush)


within the program, its not going to replace %SYSTEMROOT% with whatever value it is, it will only be replaced at runtime.

hmmm, sorry, apparently it isnt.  but normally it would.  :/


Really?  It isn't?

Odd -- my bad.  I suppose I am thinking along the lines of when a batch file uses the %systemroot% or %windir% references.  Maybe you could create the batch file and use them, then execute the batch file  :P
If you love somebody, set them free.
If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were..