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masm32 assembly errors only while in debug mode

Started by Jimg, August 18, 2005, 01:21:08 AM

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I'm getting assembly errors, but only when I try to assemble a debug version.  The output looks like-

F:\masm32\BIN\ML /c /coff /Cp /nologo /Fm /Zi /Zd /Fl /Sn /I"F:\masm32\INCLUDE" "F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm"

Assembling: F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm
F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm(235) : error A2006: undefined symbol : @@
MacroLoop(38): iteration 1: Macro Called From
  MacroLoop(69): iteration 1: Macro Called From
   MacroLoop(74): iteration 1: Macro Called From
    F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm(235): Main Line Code
F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm(235) : error A2006: undefined symbol : @@
MacroLoop(46): iteration 1: Macro Called From
  MacroLoop(69): iteration 1: Macro Called From
   MacroLoop(74): iteration 1: Macro Called From
    F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm(235): Main Line Code
F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm(235) : error A2006: undefined symbol : @@
MacroLoop(63): iteration 1: Macro Called From
  MacroLoop(69): iteration 1: Macro Called From
   MacroLoop(74): iteration 1: Macro Called From
    F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm(235): Main Line Code
etc. for every loop

works just fine until I put in the  /Zd  /Zi /Fm  options.

This is the file I posted over in the Laboratory/strcat thread

anyone have any idea what the problem is?  I think the code in question is:

    %FOR extra,<0,1,2,3>
        print chr$(13,10)
        print chr$("&extra& byte misalignment",13,10)
       %FOR proc,<Procs>
            print fld$(chr$("&proc&"),HDRWIDTH)
            %FOR T1T2,<Tests>
                sep instr 1,<T1T2>,</>
                T1 substr <T1T2>,1,sep-1    ; len of string 1
                T2 substr <T1T2>,sep+1      ; len of string 2

                ; create fresh test strings for each routine to use
                mov eax,offset String1
                add eax,extra               ; start of string1 for testing
                mov Str1Offset,eax
                add eax,T1                  ; where zero byte terminator will be
                mov Str1ZeroOffset,eax
                mov eax,offset String2
                add eax,extra               ; start of string2 for testing
                mov Str2Offset,eax
                add eax,T2                  ; where zero byte terminator will be
                mov Str2ZeroOffset,eax
                mov edi,offset String1      ; create test string values
                mov ecx,MaxStr*2+48         ; leave 16 bytes at end for accidents
                mov al,255
                rep stosb
                mov eax,Str1ZeroOffset
                mov [eax],byte ptr 0        ; set length of string
                mov edi,offset String2      ; create test string values
                mov ecx,MaxStr+16
                mov al,254
                rep stosb
                mov eax,Str2ZeroOffset
                mov [eax],byte ptr 0        ; set length of string
                ; run twice to verify operation before running a million times
                mov eax,Str1ZeroOffset
                mov [eax],byte ptr 0        ; reset length of string
                invoke proc,Str1Offset,Str2Offset
                invoke CheckForError,T1,T2
                jnc @f  ; ok
                print chr$("&proc&",13,10)
                jmp QuitTests
                mov eax,Str1ZeroOffset
                mov [eax],byte ptr 0        ; reset length of string
                invoke proc,Str1Offset,Str2Offset
                invoke CheckForError,T1,T2
                jnc @f  ; ok
                print chr$("&proc&",13,10)
                jmp QuitTests
                ; now do actual time test
                counter_begin LoopCount, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS
                    mov eax,Str1ZeroOffset
                    mov [eax],byte ptr 0        ; reset length of string
                    invoke proc,Str1Offset,Str2Offset
                mov ebx,eax
                print fld$(sstr$(ebx),COLWIDTH,1)
                ; and one more check to be sure everything is still ok
                mov eax,Str1ZeroOffset
                mov [eax],byte ptr 0        ; reset length of string
                invoke proc,Str1Offset,Str2Offset
                invoke CheckForError,T1,T2
                jnc @f  ; ok
                print chr$("&proc&",13,10)
                jmp QuitTests
            print chr$(13,10)

It hates those jnc @f instructions in debug mode!


Ok, that's way too much code to look at.  Here's the minimum to reproduce the error-

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\macros\macros.asm
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

align 16
    %FOR T1T2,<0,1>
        jnc @f  ; ok
        print chr$(13,10)
end start

and the results of assembling it:

F:\masm32\BIN\ML /c /coff /Cp /nologo /Fm /Zi /Zd /Fl /Sn /I"F:\masm32\INCLUDE" "F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm"

Assembling: F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm
F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm(21) : error A2006: undefined symbol : @@
MacroLoop(1): iteration 1: Macro Called From
  F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm(21): Main Line Code
F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm(21) : error A2006: undefined symbol : @@
MacroLoop(1): iteration 2: Macro Called From
  F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm(21): Main Line Code

It has something to do with the print macro because it assembles just fine with another command insted.


Ok, later---

It's calling any macro in this condition.  This simple code causes the same problem-

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\macros\macros.asm
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

soff Macro QuotedText:Vararg ; returns offset to a string
Local LocalText
LocalText db QuotedText,0
EXITM <offset LocalText>


align 16
    %FOR T1T2,<0,1>
       jnc @f  ; ok
       mov eax,soff("x")
end start



This is the disassembled output of the macro and code.

    jnb lbl0
    mov eax, 403000h

    jnb lbl1
    mov eax, 403002h

    push 0
    call fn_00401016

This is an OK way to have a look at whether the macro and code are doing what you want with it.
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Right.  It assembles perfectly in release mode.  No problem.  The problem is trying to assemble a debug version and getting the errors.  I have no idea why I would assemble the exact same code and get an error only using the debug options.  My gut feeling says this is a masm bug, but I'm certainly open to suggestions.  You can see the exact line from the assembler output-
F:\masm32\BIN\ML /c /coff /Cp /nologo /Fm /Zi /Zd /Fl /Sn /I"F:\masm32\INCLUDE" "F:\WinAsm\Progs\temp\strcat.asm"

Any ideas?  Does anybody else get the error?  Is it just my machine or software?



I get the same errors when doing a debug assemble on the code you posted. I get the same thing with ML 6.15 and ML 7.10. Not sure why. What is MacroLoop?


QuoteWhat is MacroLoop?
I'm pretty sure masm is considering the for loop a macro.  Thanks for testing and verifying the problem, I was really starting to get paranoid.



QuoteI'm pretty sure masm is considering the for loop a macro.

That makes sense.



FWIW, I generated a listing file of your code. I took the expanded code and tried assembling it with debug settings.

The code:

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none

includelib kernel32.lib

    jnc @f
    szX1 db "x", 0
    mov eax, OFFSET szX1
    jnc @f
    szX2 db "x", 0
    mov eax, OFFSET szX2
    push   0
    call   ExitProcess
end start   

The errors:

Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Assembling: test2.asm
test2.asm(11) : error A2006: undefined symbol : @@
test2.asm(17) : error A2006: undefined symbol : @@

If you change the @@ labels to l1 and l2 it assembles fine. If you change the @@ to l1 in the original code, you get a symbol redefinition error.


Ah, read carefully:

Microsoft Macro Assembler Reference   

Defines a code label recognizable only between label1 and label2, where label1 is either start of code or the previous @@: label, and label2 is either end of code or the next @@: label. See @B and @F.

I'm pretty sure the interspersed .data and .code segments are the culprit.


QuoteI'm pretty sure the interspersed .data and .code segments are the culprit.

I tried that in another test prog and it worked as expected.

The code seems like it should be just as legal in debug mode as release mode, and it assembles in release mode without a problem.


QuoteThe code seems like it should be just as legal in debug mode as release mode...

That's true. So much for my theory.  :bg


I tested your code as listed and I generated the same errors.  When I moved the data into its own .data section, as you suggested, the errors diappeared.

This tells me that your theory is correct.  :U
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But if it works in release mode and not in debug mode, it's still a bug in masm, right? 


And can anybody think of a workaround for the code?

    %FOR Test,<0,1>

        sub eax,1
        jnc @f
        print chr$("&Test&",13,10)
