How can i implement new api functions in Win95 shell32.dll??

Started by lleoliveira, July 22, 2005, 12:48:30 AM

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Hi people,   :U
Recently i replaced my Shell32.dll of Win98 by Win95 shell. After i replaced it, many programs doesn't work. Many errors messages appear.
1- When i try to open IM2 the following message appear: Linked to missing export Shell32.dll: Shell_NotifyIconW.
2- When i try to open Skype the following message appear: Linked to missing export Shell32.dll: ExtractIconExW.
I would like to know if it's possible and if someone wan't implement these functions in Win95 shell32.dll
I would like to much to use this shell. Think about it!!
I don't know programming
My OS is: Windows 98 without Internet Explorer, Windows media player, Explorer.exe and....
I use bbLean as shell and Xplorer2 as file manager.

Windows 98 users look this:


This is a technical programing forum, not a general purpose questions area but to help you out some, lok for a project called 98LITE that uses te files from win95b to modify win98se. Works fine but what you remove by doing so can only be fixed by putting the later versions back.
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I have played with 98lite and bblean, both work fine but were unacceptable to me for exactly the reasons you are mentioning.

- Put your win98 bootdisk in drive 'a' and restart the machine with your win98 cd in the cdrom drive.
- Reformat drive c
- Install win98
- Leave it alone.  :U

Just trying to be funny but I am sure you have learned from this experience just as I did.  Those programs are only useable by people who only perform very basic tasks with their machines. Power users such as us need the grunt that comes with the garbage.  IE is just too interwoven with the OS to be able to work without it.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website