Compiling something as a binfile in Easy Code

Started by Hades, June 22, 2005, 07:10:48 PM

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Ok, I've seen examples of how to do it in masm32 without an IDE. But I can't figure it out in Easy Code. Basically all you are suppost to have to do is add this to your resource file:

ID_BINFILE      BINFILE         "<progname>.exe"

But, You can't edit the resource files that Easy Code makes because he seems to restore the original right after you save and close. Hmpft, I'm stumped. Any help would be nice. Oh... And don't assume i'm doing this for bad reasons. I'm making a UPX Gui in Easy Code and would like to compile UPX into my GUI.

Ramon Sala

Hi Hades,

To add binary data you should add it to project by using the Raw Data resource (Resources Node in the Project explorer). After open the Raw Data window, push the Add button, enter an ID and then the file you want to include in the resources of your application. The specified file will be copied to Res directory.

Greetings from Catalonia


Thanks, I figured it was something within the IDE. I'll s test this

worked perfectly, thanks much Ramon :)