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Addressing Problem

Started by masitecno, May 10, 2012, 12:58:56 AM

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Hi everyone, i'm learning assembler so maybe this is an easy question.

I need to know why does this code throws this error:

bitmap.asm(322) : error A2029: multiple base registers not allowed

            mov ofst, eax                                   
            mov eax, memDC                                 
            mov ebx, [hBmpBack]+ofst                       
            mov [memDC]+ofst, ebx                          ;this is line 322



You don't show us what these variables are, i.e. local or global dwords etc
Are you sure you don't want this?

mov ofst, eax                                   
            mov eax, memDC                                 
            mov ebx, hBmpBack
            add ebx, ofst
            mov memDC, ebx                          ;this is line 322


Looks like he wants to move a dword from the hBmpBack array to the memDC array. An alternative could be:

mov ofst,eax        ;only if required to store ofst for future use
mov ebx,hBmpBack
mov ebx,[ebx+eax]   ;EBX = dword from hBmpBack+ofst
add eax,memDC       ;EAX = memDC+ofst
mov [eax],ebx
When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time



The problem is with your indirect memory operands. In 32-bit code any 32-bit register can serve as a base or index register, and an indirect memory operand can include one base register, one index register, with an optional scaling factor of 1, 2, 4, or 8, and any number of displacements. So for example, all of these statements will assemble without error:

    mov eax, [ebx]                ; base
    mov eax, [ebx+4]              ; base+displacement
    mov eax, [ebx+ecx]            ; base+index
    mov eax, [ebx+ecx*4]          ; base+index*scalingfactor
    mov eax, [ebx+ecx*4+8]        ; base+index*scalingfactor+displacement
    mov eax, memDC[ebx]           ; base+displacement
    mov eax, [memDC][ebx]         ; base+displacement
    mov eax, [memDC+ebx]          ; base+displacement
    mov eax, [memDC+ebx*4]        ; index*scalingfactor+displacement
    mov eax, [memDC+ebx+ecx*4+8]  ; base+index*scalingfactor+displacement
    mov eax, [memDC+ebx+ecx*4][8] ; base+index*scalingfactor+displacement

Note that MASM effectively treats the index operator (square brackets enclosing an index value) as a plus operator, and that multiple displacements are effectively combined into one.
eschew obfuscation


Thanks Everyone for your help!

Well let me explain what am i trying to do:

I load a bitmap into 2 global vars

      invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,100                           
      mov hBmp, eax                 
      mov hBmpBack, eax

I show one of them in a window

      invoke BitBlt,hDC,0,0,768,576,memDC,var1,0,SRCCOPY

I apply an algorithm to the hBmpBack that moves all the image 1 pixel to the left to emulate a banner (moving to the left)
In the algorithm i need to move the pixels from de hBmpBack to the hBmp to show it again using bitblit.

Mov Eax, 00H
Mov j, Eax
Mov Eax, init
Mov k, Eax 

Mov Eax, maxX
Dec Eax
Mov i, Eax

            push eax                                       
            push ebx                                       
            mov eax, k                                     
            mov ebx, j                                     
            mul ebx                                         
            mov ofst, eax                                   
            mov eax, memDC                                 
            mov ebx, [hBmpBack]+ofst                       
            ;mov memDC[ofst], ebx                           ;set pixel in change bitmap
            DEC k
            mov eax, k
            cmp eax, -1
            je cilinderK
            jmp continue

                  mov eax, maxX
                  dec eax
                  mov k, eax
                  jmp continue


Mov Eax, i
Dec Eax
Mov i, Eax
Cmp i, 0
Jne repeatCols

Mov Eax, maxY
Mov Ebx, j
Cmp Eax, Ebx
Jb repeatrows

Mov Eax, init
Inc Eax
Mov init, Eax
Mov Ebx, maxY
Dec Ebx
Cmp Eax, Ebx
Jg setzero

Xor Eax, Eax

Mov Eax, 0
Mov init, Eax
Jmp endroutine

It was when i was trying to send the bitmap i've gotten in eax to the other variable
bitmap.asm(322) : error A2029: multiple base registers not allowed

            mov ofst, eax                                   
            mov eax, memDC                                 
            mov ebx, [hBmpBack]+ofst                       
            mov [memDC]+ofst, ebx                          ;this is line 322

So I'm gonna try all the help you nicely gave me to fix this up.

But if you see any other wrong thing in my code, please let me know, i will appreciatte it very much.

Thanks to all.


well - you store the bitmap handle twice
that does not create 2 seperate copies   :P

if you want to make a copy:
1) get a DC (desktop should work)
2) create a compatible DC for the original bitmap (DC 1)
3) select the original bitmap into DC 1 - save the previous value
4) create a compatible DC for the copy (DC 2)
5) create a compatible bitmap - save this handle as your copy bitmap handle
6) select the compatible bitmap into DC 2 - save the previous value
7) blit it from DC 1 to DC 2
8) select the original bitmap back into DC 2
9) delete DC 2
10) select the original bitmap back into DC 1
11) delete DC 1
12) release the desktop DC

when you are done using the copy bitmap, use DeleteObject to get rid of it

that sounds like a lot of trouble - lol
it's not as bad as you might think

now - a simpler way might be to use LoadImage instead of LoadBitmap
load the same bitmap twice - be sure to use the proper flags
you should be able get 2 non-aliased handles



I didn't copy a line. Does this code is doing the same? or it loads 2 copies?

      invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,100                           
      mov hBmp, eax                                             
      invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,100                           
      mov hBmpBack, eax                 


that's probably ok - you'll have to try it
just note that LoadImage is prefered
i happen to remember that LoadImage has a flag for sharing a handle
so - it follows that it must be capable of creating individual handles   :P