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Attachment deleted

Started by ragdog, May 07, 2012, 05:25:26 AM

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Hi Hutch

I have Yesterday ask you why many post attachment deleted
Quote[attachment deleted by admin]

You have say
Quotedatabase size and disk storage on the entire site was so big

Can you not make a Achive from this attachments or

We have all use this attachments as referrence


dedndave - a great place to get extra free web space   :U


The reason why I answered your original PM with the comment,

database size and disk storage on the entire site was so big

was because,

database size and disk storage on the entire site was so big

and as an archive of the current attachments is about 190 meg, it in fact would not fit on the small site I have in OZ.

RE: Free hosting, you tend to get what you pay for including the level of reliability.
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If there is a DataBase problem
Then puting example zip file in our site and just posting link here is better way   :eek
Never Stop Until You Are Better Than The Best


x10hosting has been very reliable
there was a period when they switched over to bigger better equipment and new software
they went through the expected growing pains for a short while

even so - a file that i cannot download now, but can come back and download at a later time.... better than no file at all


Its not as if I am accountable here but as a matter of fact I ditched the files over 3 years old for reasons of space. With a database at about 665 meg it was the choice of ditching old postings or not being able to back up the database and the database has priority. RE the free advice on placing the files on another server, I already have two archives on two servers but it takes a lot of work to set them up as the forum software renames the files so they don't clash and it adds an encrypted tail to the file name for security reasons.

It is not a simplistic plonking the files elsewhere as the security design of the forum software does not allow remote servers. Now this reflects on the quality of free hosting, try and run a forum with a MySql database of over a half a gigabyte on a free server and the host would die laughing just before they deleted your account, then there is the 180 meg of attachments just for the forum without any other downloads, then you have the situation of attaching multiple domain names to the account which is highly unlikely on a free site.

Free advice is like free hosting, its worth the price you pay for it. Web hosting is getting both more complicated and more expensive if you want anything like a reliable server with decent uptime, bandwidth and capacity. The cheap accounts in the US are not always secured well and the US is not an optimum target for international web sites due to unusual legislation and potential for interference, that is why this site is currently in the UK. It may in the future end up in OZ as I am tired of having to work from the other side of the world to maintain a web site.
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we know that you didn't want to delete them   :bg
and - i am sure it was a hard choice to make

we merely want to impress upon you how valuable those threads are with attachment files vs without

what you are likely to see is a lot of is....

Quotere: such and such a thread
(thread link)

does anyone know how to do what they did
and can you attach some code
re-invention of the wheel
and - a lot of knowledge becomes altogether inaccessible, as the members are no longer around


in the last time many people has upload images as zip-files: IMO that would be good candidates for upcoming deletion...
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


true - and we should probably find our own hosting for images, as it is readily available

we are on your side, Hutch   :bg
we all want the forum to be as good as it can be, within practical limits


Quote from: dedndave on May 07, 2012, 04:47:37 PM
true - and we should probably find our own hosting for images, as it is readily available

we are on your side, Hutch   :bg
we all want the forum to be as good as it can be, within practical limits

All of my images so far have been uploaded to if that helps. Mostly because there are programs out there that automatically do the upload for you outside of the browser :bg.


One cent per post, first 100 posts free (sorry, Dave) :green? Guests are requested to register after 100 views? The IP should be sufficient to control that...
My 1cts worth :wink


well - pictures are sometimes worth a thousand words - it depends on who she is - lol
but - we don't generally put up pictures, or write posts, or attach code for our own benefit - we do it for others
if you charged me like i was sending a telegraph - guess what - i wouldn't send any more telegraphs

maybe we can sell MASM32 T-shirts to all those C/VB/java script kiddies at an enormous profit   :bg