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Do we have WinGetClass in MASM ?

Started by hfheatherfox07, April 11, 2012, 10:52:24 PM

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;this makes it happen, captain
        INVOKE  EnumChildWindows,HWND_DESKTOP,EnumChildProc,NULL
;replace the NULL above if you like
;you can pass a value to the EnumChildProc through lParam
EnumChildProc PROC hwnd:HWND,lParam:LPARAM

;the OS calls this routine once with the hwnd of each window
;that is a child of the desktop (i.e., all windows)

;if you exit with EAX = 1, enumeration continues until all child windows are done
;if you exit with EAX = 0, enumeration stops


EnumChildProc ENDP

if you want top-level windows only, use EnumWindows instead of EnumChildWindows - very similar

        INVOKE  EnumWindows,EnumProc,NULL


and how do I get the class name to display in a textbox or an edit widow doing this?


you can do whatever testing or filtering you like inside the callback proc
for example, i might only be interested in butttons
so - i might do that by getting the classname for each hwnd and doing a case-insensitive compare against "button",0
(actually easier by looking at the style bits)

try this code...
        INCLUDE \masm32\include\




;let's make it happen, captain

start:  INVOKE  EnumChildWindows,HWND_DESKTOP,EnumChildProc,NULL
        INVOKE  ExitProcess,0


EnumChildProc PROC hwnd:HWND,lParam:LPARAM

        LOCAL   szBuf[256]:BYTE

        INVOKE  GetClassName,hwnd,addr szBuf,sizeof szBuf
        INVOKE  MessageBox,0,addr szBuf,0,0

EnumChildProc ENDP


        END     start


Thank you I will give it a shot Tonight


this version will be more fun   :P

       INCLUDE \masm32\include\




;let's make it happen, captain

start:  INVOKE  EnumChildWindows,HWND_DESKTOP,EnumChildProc,NULL
        INVOKE  ExitProcess,0


EnumChildProc PROC hwnd:HWND,lParam:LPARAM

        LOCAL   szBuf1[256]:BYTE
        LOCAL   szBuf2[256]:BYTE

        INVOKE  GetWindowText,hwnd,addr szBuf1,sizeof szBuf1
        INVOKE  GetClassName,hwnd,addr szBuf2,sizeof szBuf2
        lea     edx,szBuf1
        INVOKE  MessageBox,0,addr szBuf2,edx,MB_OKCANCEL
        and     eax,1

EnumChildProc ENDP


       END     start

notice that when you press "Ok" on MessageBox, it exits with EAX = 1
when you press "Cancel", it exits with EAX = 2
we AND that result with 1
so, we get either 0 or 1


If you know the class name OR the text on the title bar whats wrong with using,

HWND FindWindow(
    LPCTSTR lpClassName, // pointer to class name
    LPCTSTR lpWindowName // pointer to window name
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Quote from: hutch-- on April 12, 2012, 04:27:09 AM
If you know the class name OR the text on the title bar whats wrong with using,

HWND FindWindow(
    LPCTSTR lpClassName, // pointer to class name
    LPCTSTR lpWindowName // pointer to window name

That what this was all about ... finding the "lpClassName" and "lpWindowName"  of a window so I can use "FindWindow".....

by the way it worked great dedndave    :U  I noticed that windows that did not have an assigned lpClassName by default I got "#32770" as the lpClassName Wierd?


that is the pre-defined system class for dialog boxes
or - i should say, "one of the" - there are several, depending on the type of dialog
ms finally ran out of words - lol - so they gave it a number   :P


Quote from: dedndave on April 12, 2012, 04:40:45 PM
that is the pre-defined system class for dialog boxes


I am assuming ( I did not have time with this yet ) that If I want a specific window's info  for example "targetwindow.exe"

that instead of INVOKE  EnumChildWindows,HWND_DESKTOP,EnumChildProc,NULL

I would use

appName  db "targetwindow.exe"

INVOKE  EnumChildWindows,addr appName,EnumChildProc,NULL

In any case I love the way you did this dedndave


There is a toy in the masm32 examples that enumerates running applications. This method gives you the classname if it is in fact unique.

Have a look at \masm32\examples\enumerate\...........

There are a few techniques for enumerating different things.
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"targetwindow.exe" is not going to work, unless it happens to be the caption
that is a process name - more accurately, a program file name

that little tool that Iczelion has in tutorial #24 looks like fun, too   :P

i generally use ms Spy++ for such things


Quote from: dedndave on April 12, 2012, 04:53:28 PM
"targetwindow.exe" is not going to work, unless it happens to be the caption
that is a process name - more accurately, a program file name

that little tool that Iczelion has in tutorial #24 looks like fun, too   :P

i generally use ms Spy++ for such things

that is what I meant  , a program file name like notepad.exe for example .....
I have a few examples of ways to hook into programs ...but then you would get the handle of the window and would be no scene in using "Findwindow"


i am guessing you are only interested in top-level windows
no need to go through all the child windows

so - you'd use EnumWindows
for each hwnd, call GetWindowThreadProcessId
that will get you the PID
call OpenProcess with the SYNCHRONIZE access flag
that will get you a handle to the process
call GetModuleFileNameEx to get the filename
use CloseHandle to close the process handle when you are done


ok - i had to use GetProcessImageFileName instead of GetModuleFileNameEx
not sure why that is - the other should work, too

oh well - give this a play...