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Wireless..what do all those terms mean

Started by anunitu, February 15, 2012, 06:41:18 PM

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If you are like me,a bit overwhelmed by all the different types of wireless Acronyms,this site seems to give some understanding about them.

Its hard keeping up with all the terms 4g this,and 2g something else.


It tends to be a mix of protocol, and frequency. And Telecom's who like abbreviations

3G - Third Generation
4G - Fourth Generation

Then they couldn't figure out which generation things fell into and got to

LTE - Long Term Evolution

Which I guess means "we're going to keep changing things", and bitch about the fact the carriers can't figure out how to make money selling iPhones.,0,3398631.story

Heck, I'm dealing with five band, multi-standard wireless modems, and all the joy and cost that comes with that.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


i think the list of wireless router acronyms is endless - lol
everytime i play with a new model or a different brand, i find a new one
that article barely scratches the surface   :P