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Right to Privacy

Started by Don57, December 21, 2011, 05:52:06 PM

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Just a couple of thoughts. I had my last post closed out, I suspect because the file had the word hacking in it. The impetus for my question came from the wikileaks spy torrent. While the file name alone is suspect, it is nothing but mostly colorful brochures and sales pitches, aimed at politicians and government bureaucrats. Lots of pictures and large type is involved. Having done scientific research for the government for over 20 years, I know most of these people are idiots, and need things explained in pictures. These brochures. outline all the ways these private companies have developed, to spy on you. I believe even in the modern age we have the right to privacy. If I don't bother the government they shouldn't bother me, or intrude on my privacy. Various governments around the world, or perhaps it's certain politicians, have a vested interest in keeping the public scared. It allows them to increase their power base, not only among the electorate, but also in the government. A bureaucrats power is judged by how, many people, or how many departments, he has working under him, and from my experience they will fight hard any attempt to reduce either. When was the last time you heard of  a government department willingly reducing it's size. Anyways I digress, the point being, if we want to insure our privacy we have to understand the governments capabilities, unless you prefer an Orwellian future.


Good stuff,...I think most of us here,...because we are experienced programmers, understand post-modern networked computer technologies,...and, yes,...the capabilities of a well-funded, technologically sophisticated organization like any of the US intelligence agencies is a force to be reckoned with. Just the fact that in an open democracy, the average citizen has absolutely no idea what their own government knows about them,...and, what they actually are capable of doing with that access to important private data, is cause for great concern.
My ingenious solution to the problem is what I call reverse identity theft. Dave thinks it's insane,...but, that sounds like an endorsement to me. The idea is to create a digitally valid identity for yourself, and assign it an incredible debt load (say, in excess of the total debt of some sovereign nation). Coupled with that is a spectacularly horrifying history of mayhem and violence and senselessly insane criminal record, with endless convictions and hundreds of years of consecutive jail time. Then you merely, destroy all records of your previous identity, globally,...and, spend the rest of your life airborne in International Airspace. Cool,...huh ???
:eek ...We have a tradition here at the MASM forum of going completely wacko over the most implausible of conspiracy theories,... :eek


Talked about privacy, the indonesian researchers succesfully plant an implant, I can see that each time we are quite the radio wave is effecting my speaker, but when somebody talked it sounds nothing. They implanting it on my left ear and my neck. Also, they can watch through my eyes, this is far worse than any virus, I hope they did not use our research about genetic using that way. I wonder how long did I will survive this, since they kept yelling at me and at full anger.
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