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Which version of Olly?

Started by NoCforMe, December 20, 2011, 01:59:06 AM

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I'd like to get started with a debugger (so far I've made do with various homemade debugging tools*, which have eventually helped me spot problems, but take a lot of time and effort). But looking at the Olly page (v2.0), I see a lot of versions, and it doesn't give me much confidence that the ones at the top are labeled "alpha". (Does this really mean they're alpha versions??!??)

So could someone tell me what the latest stable version is of this software? Many thanks!

btw, I don't need a 64-bit debugger, at least not yet ...

* If nothing else, sticking in

INVOKE MessageBox, 0, ADDR debuggingMessageGoesHere, NULL, MB_OK

will often do the trick (maybe preceded by wsprintf() to display values) ...


Well, I went ahead and am downloading v1.10 which looks pretty OK.


~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


the latest version is nice, with some added features
v 1.1 is also good

thing about olly is, you can run multiple versions of it   :U


Ollydbg2 have nice function and a very good dissasembler
but it is a beta.

I have many playit with this version and translate this plugin sdk to masm32

I use for debug my programming apps ollydbg 1.1 it is a stable version