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Another listbox problem

Started by NoCforMe, December 17, 2011, 07:56:36 PM

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Just had a flash (or a brain fart?): since a listbox control contains lines of text, it can only be sized in increments of those lines. So that's why its size "jumps" when it's resized.

Is this correct?


Quote from: NoCforMe on December 19, 2011, 06:24:38 AM
I'll take you up on your offer, jj.

Minor suggestions. Your prog works fine. Re performance, there is obviously a problem - it loads in about 12 seconds on my P4. A factor 60 compared to 0.2 seconds for reading & sorting the file with MB Recall & QSort.

MOV   OldListboxProcPtr, EAX
   invoke SetTimer, hWin, 127, 500, 0
   MOV   HeapPtr, NULL         ;Indicate heap hasn't been allocated.
   .if uMsg==WM_TIMER
      invoke KillTimer, hWin, 127
      invoke lstrcpy, addr fileOpenName, chr$("Strings.lst")
      jmp open8
   INVOKE   CreateWindowEx, 0, ADDR StringsClassName, NULL, $stringsWinAttrs or LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT, 0,
      0, gpRect.right, gpRect.bottom, hWin, NULL, InstanceHandle, NULL

      INVOKE   MoveWindow, StringsWinHandle, 0, 0, gpRect.right, gpRect.bottom, FALSE