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Morons that use cellphones while driving.

Started by Bill Cravener, December 14, 2011, 10:04:03 AM

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Bill Cravener

Finally the total stupidity of cellphone use while driving is getting the attention it needs. I see it as no different then drinking and driving, both deadly to others. My own state of Pennsylvania just recently passed a law that makes it illegal to text while driving but when one considers that the fine for doing so is but a messily $50 it will not stop the stupidity of the young and their love of texting while driving. I've had more then my share of close calls with these morons who cellphone while driving and welcome stiff laws against the use of any cellphone use while operating a deadly vehicle. I read something somewhere about auto manufactures exploring jammers that block cellphones while within a vehicle. I hope that comes to pass. I'm fed up with the stupidity of youth!! :tdown
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


But do they really need a law to do this? It's a bit like banning guns in Chicago, it doesn't make them go away, and police already have applicable laws to apprehend criminals.

There are plenty of things people do in the car that can be distracting, eating, drinking, smoking, shaving, applying make-up, etc. It takes very little in the way of probable cause for the police to stop you, and or give you a ticket now, that's going to get you $75 an infraction (obviously depending on jurisdiction), plus more if you have to go to court. Getting dash-cam proof someone was crossing center lines, driving too closely or had crap hanging from the mirror is probably a whole lot easier to document than someone with a phone to their ear. Round these parts the DUI tickets usually list a litany of infractions, presumably so they'll stick harder. Point is the police can make distracted driving a priority right now, plus slap people with seat beat, lighting, insurance, registration violations and get this under control if they chose too. The bigger question is why isn't this a priority already?

The guy that died was ticket-able, as where the two school bus drivers (WTF was their problem?), driving too close, failure to stop, careless driving, vehicle not road worthy, all again ticket-able at the time of the accident. Again, perhaps some jurisdictional differences state-to-state, but realistically every state probably has half a dozen infractions they could cite, with enough teeth to make it hurt.

While jamming is an interesting option, it would seem to interfere with people other than the driver, and leak outside the vehicle, plus you have all the legacy equipment, and it would have to cover a fairly wide band of frequencies. Phones have a shorter replacement life cycle, perhaps using the accelerometers to terminate calls above 5 MPH would be more viable.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


The problem as I see it is not cell phone use while driving, it's cell phone use while driving by people who can't drive worth a sh*t even when they are not distracted, and who don't have enough brain power to exercise reasonable judgement. There are driving conditions under which a competent driver can use a cell phone safely.
eschew obfuscation


Quote from: MichaelW on December 15, 2011, 04:54:44 AMpeople who can't drive worth a sh*t

I use three languages on a daily basis, none of them is my mother tongue. Only occasionally I use German: while driving behind one of these @x#?\<^$@... with or without cellphone :green2


i am with Michael on this one
some people just can't walk and chew bubble gum at the same time

for years upon years, ham radio operators, taxi drivers, cops, and so on, have used microphones while driving
and - they had a coil-cord attached to them - lol
i even know a few ham operators that strap a keyer to their leg and converse in morse code while driving
no real history of accidents due to any of that

but - give the same task to the general public - and bang !
the real issue may be priorities - they give more importance to the cell phone conversation than to driving

the driver's license has a place to say "i need glasses", but does not have a check box for "i am stoopid"   :lol

Bill Cravener

Pennsylvania has a point system and I want to see violators get them when fined for breaking our new cellphone law. I want to see the magnitude of the offense increased, making it a moving violation that adds points to a person's driving record. I want violators in an accident involving cellphone use arrested and put in jail. I will fight in my State to see that tougher laws are passed. I am sick of narcissistic pinheads that can't make a trip to a grocery store, to a movie, to church, or anywhere else without hearing themselves talk on a phuking cellphone. Some of these morons can't even sit through a traffic light without placing a call. Enough is enough!

Over 3000 killed last year from distracted driving, I'd bit most from cellphone use. Cellphone jammers have been around for years. They are however illegal here in the States. The only way to make a huge dent in distracted driving is to take the distraction away from the driver. The auto industry can do that and I hope to see it come to pass. A survey by AAA found 88 percent of drivers acknowledge using a cellphone while driving and agreed that it is dangerous yet 35 percent in the same survey had read or sent a text message in the last month. Phuking stupidity!! What about emergencies you say? Yes there should be technology that allows legitimate emergency calls, even better, pull the phuk over and put the g*ddamn car in park. Once the car is no longer moving get out of the vehicle and the cell signal will return. That's the trouble in a country that gives its citizens so many freedoms, there are just too many morons, be it gun owners or cellphones users, which abuse the privilege.

Teen Driver Cell Phone and Text Messaging Statistics
• Despite the risks, the majority of teen drivers ignore cell phone driving restrictions.
• In 2007, driver distractions, such as using a cell phone or text messaging, contributed to nearly 1,000 crashes involving 16- and 17-year-old drivers.
• Over 60 percent of American teens admit to risky driving, and nearly half of those that admit to risky driving also admit to text messaging behind the wheel.
• Each year, 21% of fatal car crashes involving teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 were the result of cell phone usage. This result has been expected to grow as much as 4% every year.
• Almost 50% of all drivers between the ages of 18 and 24 are texting while driving.
• Over one-third of all young drivers, ages 24 and under, are texting on the road.
• Teens say that texting is their number one driver distraction.

Maybe the real solution is to pass laws that you must be 30 years of age before you are permitted a drivers license?

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


not to worry
won't be long before they can't afford the gas

Bill Cravener

Oh I do indeed worry Dave, every time I go riding. Wasn't always that way until the advent of the phuking cellphone. The biggest concern prier to a cellphone moron was a deer jumping out in front of you. I guess one has to experience a cellphone moron event in order to condemn it. :tdown
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Bill, it's definitely getting worse, I quite frequently have people trying to merge into me, or switch lanes without looking, and they are usually on a cell phone.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Good to see. Two ton machines should be handled with the utmost care; being that they can easily become fatal weapons.