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Compilng JWASM with NMAKE and VS 2008

Started by KeepingRealBusy, December 14, 2011, 04:15:20 AM

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I just posted the following error report on SourceForge for JWasm. In the attached .zip, I have included two new versions of msvc.mak (for nmake) for use with Visual Studio 2008 that support path names with embedded blanks such as "C:\Program Files\....". This compiles the latest source which is JWasm v2.06E, however there is an warning in parse.c on line 3033 where it uses an uninitialized variable when compiled for DEBUG.

The new msvc90.mak file should also support VS 2010 with a 2 character change to the paths.


Edit I did it again, failed to attach the .zip.


The attached .zip contains the following files:

    diffmake.bat    (not included)

Dir.txt displays my directory structure.

Doit.bat deletes the .rpt, .dif, and dir.txt files, cleans the \Debug and
\Release directories, executes "nmake msvc90.mak" and "nmake msvc90.mak" to
create msvc90.rpt and msvcd90.rpt, executes diffmake.bat (my diff routine - not
included) to get msvc90.dif and msvcd90.dif, and finally captures the directory
structure to dir.txt.

Msvc90.mak is a modified msvc.mak file, only checked out for Visual Studio 2008.
Changes include initial commentary changes, modified directory paths, changes to
eliminate non-supported options in VS2008 (-Zd and /OPT:NOWIN98), enclosing all
paths with quotes to support path names such as "C:\Program Files\.....", and
changes to force all paths to use the correct Windows/Dos separator ("\" vs.

Msvcd90.mak is a modified msvc90.mak file, only checked out for Visual Studio
2008. Only one change, setting DEBUG=1.

Msvc90.dif contains the differences between msvc.mak and msvc90.mak.

Msvcd90.dif contains the differences between msvc90.mak and msvcd90.mak.

Msvc90.rpt contains the output from executing "nmake msvc90.mak" (the Release

Msvcd90.rpt contains the output from executing "nmake msvcd90.mak" (the Debug
version). You will notice that parser.c on line 3033 has the following warning:
warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'CurrOpnd' used.

The \c directory contains the extracted files from the file, the
\c directory.

The \h directory contains the extracted files from the file, the
\h directory.

The \Debug directory contains the .asm and .obj files for the Debug version.

The \Release directory contains the .obj files for the Release version.

Yes.txt is a .bat response file with a single line "y" (for answering "do you
really mean it?" when deleting *.* in a directory).

None of the JWasm zips nor the sub-directories are included in this report .zip

I will also post this .zip on the masm32 forum for anyone who wants to use nmake
for Visual Studio 2008 and have the quote enclosed paths (change two letters in
the paths and it should also work for Visual Studio 2010).

Dave (krb2010 on SourceForge) (KeepingRealBusy on masm32)