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USA dollar.

Started by xanatose, December 06, 2011, 11:42:33 PM

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This guy might be an alarmist or might be telling the true. You decide.

*** WARNING link to long video. See it if you got time. ***

If you can, just in case, try and get hold of real resources physical resources (land, gold, silver, oil, etc.) to offset the fantasy resources (AKA money).


Something like this only will cause panic if lots of people understand it. As long as USA research is the number one, you will not fall. Your pursue to justice is making lots of people wanted come there and invest their money. When your government discriminating anyone esp. they business owner, or taking private business as a money printer for your government by force, people will loose their trust and go away from USA. I have to admit that my knowledge is dangerous for the USA govt. And I should keep my mouth shut.

USA, had everything. From tree, lands, everything. And it is bigger than anything we got. Lots bigger. Canada is a great source for food too. There is no way, US and Canada depend on many country. But remember this, truth is scatter everywhere. Each person hold each fragment. Your proud is your weakness. When discriminations arise, your fall is near.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


I have read a lot concerning the true nature of Money..It only has value so long as people believe it does. It is a virtual thing,with no actual base. In a history program they mentioned that empires that did this(money with no real backing) died,Rome did this and soon fell.
It seems floating money is a path to Collapse.


Quote from: ANUNITU...I have read a lot concerning the true nature of Money..It only has value so long as people believe it does,...
So true. Money is just a means of exchange. And, BY LAW, it is backed up by the United States Treasury.
In fact, the most strategic resource on the planet, petroleum, is traded almost exclusively in U.S. dollars.


Quote from: baltoro on December 07, 2011, 08:32:49 PM
Quote from: ANUNITU...I have read a lot concerning the true nature of Money..It only has value so long as people believe it does,...
So true. Money is just a means of exchange. And, BY LAW, it is backed up by the United States Treasury.
In fact, the most strategic resource on the planet, petroleum, is traded almost exclusively in U.S. dollars.

Most resources are traded on US dollars. The original reason was WW2. Every mega-economy was destroyed except the USofA. So it made sense at the time for capitalist countries to use the USofA dollar.


It seems like a bait-and-hook scam to get clients to sign with him. I wouldn't know whether the information in the video is factually correct. :eek


Quote from: Horton on December 10, 2011, 04:11:21 PM
It seems like a bait-and-hook scam to get clients to sign with him. I wouldn't know whether the information in the video is factually correct. :eek
That might be true.


Stansberry Research is a scam to begin with. They sell subscriptions not economic advice, the economic reviews they publish are submitted from independent authors and not due to any research they do. They are most well known for their viral videos bending the truth (such as "we predicted the economic collapse in 2008" which is an outright lie) and rabid anti-government and anti-socialist viral videos. The rhetoric in their videos is generally cranked up to coincide with a subscription sales push.

One of the saddest incidents involved Porter Stansberry using an assumed name in order to intentionally defraud clients. He would try to convince clients to invest in certain areas quoting articles written by him under his nom-de-plume and then cite the increase in the value of stocks as proof of his predictions, an increase that was entirely due to the bilked investors buying those stocks on his recommendations. Unfortunately when the scam ran its course the prices collapsed back to normal and he walked away with a ton of cash while some investors lost everything. He is seriously one of the biggest piece of shit scumbags in the investment community and is a shining example of someone who belongs in prison.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


Quote from: donkey on December 12, 2011, 05:57:26 AM
Stansberry Research is a scam to begin with. They sell subscriptions not economic advice, the economic reviews they publish are submitted from independent authors and not due to any research they do. They are most well known for their viral videos bending the truth (such as "we predicted the economic collapse in 2008" which is an outright lie) and rabid anti-government and anti-socialist viral videos. The rhetoric in their videos is generally cranked up to coincide with a subscription sales push.

One of the saddest incidents involved Porter Stansberry using an assumed name in order to intentionally defraud clients. He would try to convince clients to invest in certain areas quoting articles written by him under his nom-de-plume and then cite the increase in the value of stocks as proof of his predictions, an increase that was entirely due to the bilked investors buying those stocks on his recommendations. Unfortunately when the scam ran its course the prices collapsed back to normal and he walked away with a ton of cash while some investors lost everything. He is seriously one of the biggest piece of shit scumbags in the investment community and is a shining example of someone who belongs in prison.

Thanks for the info Mr Edgar. Hope to hear lots more from you. It might help you guys, we are depending on you.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Well, edgar, I dont know about your opinion but I think people need to respect their self, not just that, only commercial product that able to collect money, so, in short, I think we should keep the monetary system.  :green
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Well Farabi,

The video is highly misleading in that the "facts" are seemingly correct but the conclusions are dubious. For example he states that a tax rate of 100% would not cover the debt responsibilities of the government, true if you only take into account personal income. However at a median real income of 26,036 for the US and a per capita GDP of 46860, he is ignoring almost 50% of the money in the nation. The current fiscal situation in the US is due largely to the trillions of dollars that the government has had to squander in order for business to survive the hole they dug themselves into and yet they still whine and complain every time they are asked to contribute to the services that they have profited from for so long. The actual economic situation in terms of reserve funds is also misleading, reserve funds are not anything like what he explains. Yes the USD is a highly held reserve fund, consisting of nearly 85% of all funds held, but so are other currencies; the Euro, the AUSD, and the CAD to name a few. The creation of a separate reserve note by the world bank is more than likely to fall on its face and given their record for implementing suggestions, highly unlikely to even come about. Since the era of "Nixon Shock" free floating currencies have been the de-facto standard for how currencies are valued with the USD as the baseline currency however when it devalues the value of other currencies rise, its not a black box currency as he suggests but rather uses other independent currencies to gauge its value the same as everyone else. The truly unfortunate thing is that most people have no idea how the currency reserve system works or even what its used for so the vultures can use the normal tactics of fear to steal their money. It also gives fodder to the other fear mongers like the Tea Party who use the pseudo-facts to advance a political agenda that otherwise is economic suicide by presenting it as the "only way out".

Don't get me wrong, I don't condone the drunken sailor type spending of governments, I have always believed in balancing the books but not at the cost of our social responsibilities. I personally think we should have let the banks fail in 2008 and though it would have been a long climb out we would have been stronger at the other end. I live in a country with the strongest banking system in the world and you would be hard pressed to even find a banker here who doesn't attribute that strength to what was seen as draconian legislation only 10 years ago. Its time to reign in corporations and have them pay their fair share, after all, they seem to have no hesitation in exercising their rights as citizens but scream when they are asked to live up to their responsibilities as such.

"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


I did a little research into the claim in the video that Stansberry predicted the 2008 collapse and his investors made money on his advice. Here's the performance of 4 stocks he recommended over 2008/2009:

  • RDS-A: one year = 0%; 2 years= –28%
  • GSX: one year = -50%; 2 years= –85%
  • IFNY: 4 months = -80%; one year = -97%; 2 years= –95%
  • XEL: one year = +30%; 2 years= –12.5%

A quote from one Stansberry customer:

Quote"Can performance get any worse than that? Even a monkey in Cambodia can pick 4 stocks and break even in 2 years."

This guy should have to preface anything he sells or posts with WARNING - I AM A SCUMBAG WHO WILL STEAL YOUR MONEY

"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


So this guy is just a fear monger trying to make a quick buck.

That is good to know.


How do you define research?
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Quote from: Farabi on December 14, 2011, 11:01:17 PM
How do you define research?

Check archives of his magazines then check the historical performance of the 4 recommended stocks over a 2 year period following his advice. As well, I searched for comments regarding the performance post 2008 of his recommendations and for articles by reputable journalists that mentioned him or his company. As well I browsed several SEC investigation reports as well as court rulings against his company.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable