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windows string pointer

Started by nibbleNbits, November 07, 2011, 05:59:38 PM

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Windows app, visual studio 2010 .NET
does anyone know how to send a System:String^ to a MASM functiion, without first casting the String^ to char*?

thanks for any help


It is a c++ class fonction.
Better way is to know what is done,and do the same with your own code.
You can also adapt the class for masm but it"s more difficult.



Welcome on board, glad to see you got past the signup irritations.

I am not a C++ .NET man but I would be surprised if a system string was not unicode but it will depend on if you can pass its address. I gather you want to be able to use a C++/.NET sourced string and process it in a MASM module and to do that you need its address.

RE: UNICODE, the next version of MASM32 has much more unicode support and it will be available REAL SOON[tm], I am just finishing off the documentation.
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Thanks Hutch

Here is the VS 2010 method of converting char* to System:String^
char* fn=(char*)(System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi("some string")).ToPointer();

MS has there own (bloated)String class and have made it a real pain to convert back and forth. It won't allow the pointer notation * instead they came up with their own pointer notation ^ for the system string. This is managed code, so when working with both managed and unmanaged it becomes a problem. Since .asm is unmanaged it won't accept the pointer notation ^.

for example calling a masm function from c++
return char* myasmfunction(double dstuff, int istuff, char* cstuff) works just fine
return String^ myasmfunction(same stuff) doesn't work
return char* myasmfunction(double dstuff, int stuff, String^ sthing) doesn't work, in each case the "^" is the problem
